Q: Any shows on Netflix you could recommend? I love shows like Stranger Things, The 3 Percent, and Being Human.

A: I liked Stranger Things but I don’t like most other shows like it. However, my friend recommends a show that just came out on Netflix called Dark. It is German but you can turn on English audio. I myself have not watched it but my friend says it’s good and a similar theme/genre to Stranger Things.

Hope I could help 🙂


One comment on “Q: Any shows on Netflix you could recommend? I love shows like Stranger Things, The 3 Percent, and Being Human.
  1. I like the EASY on Netflix. It’s an anthology, so each show is like reading a really good short story. It also helps that you don’t have to stay up all night binging, and instead enjoy each one individually and can have the time to think about it all day. Enjoy!

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