Health Can Taste Unhealthy

By Shay Embler

Eating unhealthily is one of the most tempting things in the world.  It is so easy to push aside all thoughts of physical and emotional health and simply indulge in delicious treats.  We are constantly surrounded by temptations whether through Instagram or friends or BuzzFeed, telling us to eat fancy chocolate or over-priced frappuccinos.  Not only that but stress from school or other activities leads to food cravings, especially food that may be very tasty but not very nutritious.  Hopefully, this article will offer options of food that is delicious and nutritious!

One of the biggest producers of malnutrition is candy.  Eating a small piece of chocolate every day is moderate, but many people tend to indulge in full-sized candy bars every day, along with other snacks and sodas.  The average amount of sugar in a single candy bar is 20 grams so you could be eating close to 400 grams of sugar a month just through candy.  Don’t let this scare you into not eating at all; it is okay to treat yourself, just try to avoid day-to-day doses of treats.  

A healthier alternative is dark chocolate, which contains much less sugar and “a square of dark chocolate is more satisfying than milk chocolate so you may be tempted to eat less,” says NBCNews.  Another possible choice is fruit.  While fruit does contain sugar, it also provides vitamins, less sugar than candy, and fiber (prevents the sugar crash that occurs when you eat too much candy).  Fruit has a sweet flavor and is fairly filling, so it can often satisfy your craving for a sugary treat.  

A couple of other options for you would be nuts (with the exception of macadamia and hazelnuts) which contain “heart-healthy fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals” (, and any fruits or veggies.  You can even have a little fun by making fancy avocado toast or a yummy smoothie.  

Eating is all about moderation.  Eating too much of anything is unhealthy, and while it is understandable to want to help yourself to some tasty snacks, make sure you balance it out with exercise, sleep, and lots of water.  

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