The Endocrine System: Library Pathfinder

The Endocrine System : 8th Grade Library Pathfinder

Where are the 4 places you always look for information in the library?



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Step 1. Reference Books: (The Reference section is located on the back wall to the left of the Reference Desk under the shark.)

World Book Encyclopedia vol. 8, pp. 207-209 under GLAND. See also Adrenal Gland and Hypothalamus.

R 503 NEW The New Book of Popular Science vol. 5, pp. 242-247 under The Endocrine System.

Step 2. Circulating Books:
Information on the human body can be found in the 600’s area of the Dewey Decimal section. There are several books about the human body that contain sections or chapters on the endocrine system. Remember, you may have to look in the table of contents or index of the book to find out where information on the endocrine system is, unless the entire book is about the endocrine system. Besides “endocrine system,” you should also look up the names of individual glands like pancreas or adrenal, or the word “hormones.”

612 A Blood and Guts: A working guide to your own insides
612 BUR A Concise Encyclopedia to the Human Body
612 G Human Body: How it works
612 MAC The Way We Work: Getting to know the amazing human body
612 PAR DK Human Body
612 T Human Body
612 WIL How the Body Works
612.4 LIT The Endocrine System

Step 3. Periodicals/Databases

Go to
Click on “Sixth Avenue”
Under “Facts on File Databases,” click on “Science Online”
Ask Jennifer or Steve for the login and password.
Under “Explore Subjects,” click on “Biology”
Under “Anatomy and Physiology Overview” click on the Suggested search term that is the closest fit to the system you are researching.

Step 4. Internet

Medline Plus: Endocrine Glands

SEER Training Modules: Endocrine Glands & Their Hormones

Teens Health: Endocrine System

Discovery Kids: Endocrine System


How Stuff Works: The Endocrine System

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