Category: 6th Grade

11.17.08/The White House

Now that Laura Bush has given the Obamas a tour of their new home, there is renewed interest in the famous First Residence, and the families who have lived there.

Click here for your own video tour of the White House.

The most recent issue of Curriculum Connections, a partner publication of School Library Journal contains an article that focuses on the women of the White House

In the Christian Science Monitor, you can read reviews on the latest books about kids and pets in the White House.

Finally, check out these books in the 6th Avenue library on the White House and White House history:

See How They Run: campaign dreams, election schemes and the race to the White House by Susan E. Goodman (324.973 GOO)

The White House: an illustrated history by Catherine O’Neill Grace (975.3 GRA)

A Big Cheese for the White House: the true tale of a tremendous cheddar by Candace Fleming (P FLE) (P=PICTURE BOOK)

What to do About Alice? : how Alice Roosevellt broke the rules, charmed the world, and drove her father Teddy crazy! by Barbara Kerley (BIO ROO)

Ballots for Belva: the true story of a woman’s race for the presidency by Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen (BIO LOC)

I’ll see you in the library,

Jennifer Hubert Swan, Middle School Librarian

10.20.08/6th Grade Science Debates on Election Issues

The Sixth graders are working with me and Sherezada to gather information about where each of the presidential candidates stand on issues concerning energy and the environment, in preparation for a classroom debate. Below is a list of pre-screened websites that students can use as evidence to support their positions. Sixth graders, remember to cite your websites correctly so we know where your information came from! (There is an example of how to do this at the bottom of the page)

The 2008 Presidential Candidates’ Environmental and Energy Positions:
Sixth Grade Science Debate Websites

A quick look at the presidential candidates positions from, a Seattle-based environmental blog.

Obama’s Environmental & Energy Positions

Obama’s voting record, from (scroll down to “Barack Obama on Energy & Oil,” and “Barack Obama on the Environment”)

Obama’s environmental platform and record, according to

Obama’s official energy policy from his campaign website.

Obama Outlines Energy Policy, from

McCain’s Environmental & Energy Positions

McCain’s voting record, from (scroll down to “John McCain on Energy and Oil,” and “John McCain on the Environment”)

McCain’s official energy policy from his campaign website.

McCain’s official climate change policy, from his campaign website.

McCain’s Off-Shore Drilling Position, from

Comparisons of both presidential candidates’ energy & environmental plans:

McCain, Obama and the Environment, from

McCain & Obama’s Energy Plans, from

Obama & McCain’s Energy Plans, from

Obama & McCain on Offshore Drilling, from

McCain & Obama on Nuclear Power, from

Where McCain, Obama stand on the issues, from the International Herald Tribune:
(scroll down to find energy and environmental policy statements)

Obama Vs. McCain on off-shore drilling and “clean” coal, from

How to cite an Internet website in your bibliography:

Author. “Name of Website/Article.” [Online]. Retrieved on day month year. URL address.


Underwood, Kristin. “Obama Vs. McCain: Is Clean Coal or Offshore Drilling Worse for the Environment?” [Online]. Retrieved on 20 October 2008.

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10.03.08/Our Visit with T.A. Barron

On Monday, September 29th, fantasy author T.A. Barron visited the Sixth grade to share his tales of Arthur, Merlin, and dragons. Barron’s most well-known series begins with The Lost Years of Merlin, where he imagines the famous wizard’s youth and adolescence.The Colorado native regaled the students with booktalks and anecdotes about his family. For example, the children were surprised to discover that all of Barron’s own five children are named after mountains! Barron also discussed with the students the topic of heroism and what qualities make a hero. After a presentation in Frank and Margaret’s room, the sixth graders trooped downstairs for a book signing in the library of Barron’s newest title, Merlin’s Dragon. Books of Wonder was on hand to provide copies of Barron’s work, and T.A. Barron signed books and graciously posed for pictures with a few of his biggest fans. I encourage you to talk to your sixth grader about their author visit. We own his entire body of work in the 6th Avenue library, so come and check them out! They make wonderful read aloud choices.


TA Barron & Librarians

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9.24.08/T.A. Barron Author Visit!

Medieval fantasy author T.A. Barron (The Lost Years of Merlin, The Great Tree of Avalon) will be appearing at LREI courtesy of the independent bookstore Books of Wonder, to introduce the first book in his new series, Merlin’s Dragon, on Monday, September 29th from 3:15-4:15. He’ll also be meeting with the Sixth Grade beforehand to discuss his body of work, which is richly steeped in medieval European history and myth. He’ll be signing his new book and meeting students, so please stop by if you are able. There will be some copies for purchase on hand, but you also can pre-order books for your child through this PDF: Merlin’s Dragon order form

You can drop the forms off at the reference desk in the 6th Avenue library to any of the librarians. Thanks, and hope to see you there!

I’ll see you in the library,

Jennifer Hubert Swan, MS librarian

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Welcome to the LREI Middle School library blog. I will try to post articles from professional journals that may be of interest to you or your child, or announcements about goings on in our library here at least once a week. Please check back often and don’t hesitate to email me ( with suggestions for the library’s collection. Also, do check out the list of pages on the left hand side of this page for useful information pertaining to the library. I look forward to hearing from you!

I’ll see you in the library,

Jennifer Hubert Swan, MS librarian