11.2.09 NaNoWriMo

running manDid you ever say to yourself, “I’d like to write a novel”? Well, here’s your chance. November is National Novel Writing Month, and those who choose to participate in the festivities commit to writing 50,000 wds by midnight on November 30. The goal here is quantity, not quality. You can always go back and edit your work during December and January:) The official NaNoWriMo page provides you with everything you need to get started and stay motivated, including online forums full of inspirational and funny writing stories & prompts, and a sign up page where you can log in and verify your word count each day. So if you ever wanted to write a novel, here’s an opportunity to write with the support of a whole online community who is experiencing the same agony and ecstasy as you are. This could also be a fun project for you and your middle school student to undertake together–just make sure they finish their homework first!

I’ll see you in the library,

Jennifer Hubert Swan, MS librarian

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