DL Response due Monday 2/1

Homework due Monday 2/1 – Finish reading Lolita pp. 281-309.  You can also read the essay “On a Book Entitled Lolita” if you choose.  Then, Write a thoughtful, detailed response to the following question: Is the novel Lolita a work of “sheer unrestrained pornography” or a “masterpiece”?  This is an opinion piece so you must begin with a clear statement of your opinion (a.k.a. thesis).  Support your opinion with specific evidence and examples from the text, quotations with page references preferred.  2 pages minimum, typed, double-spaced, 12-point font.

Playwriting – HW 1/26-2/11

Tuesday 1/26: Ten-Minute Play Portfolio due.  Discuss Fires in the Mirror — Foreword (process), character, setting, voice and language.

HW: Read and annotate FITM pp. 40-77.

Wednesday 1/27: Discuss and perform selected scenes from Fires in the Mirror.

HW: Read and annotate Fires in the Mirror, pp. 79-112.

Thursday 1/28: Discuss and perform selected scenes from Fires in the Mirror.  Discuss “Character Study” handout.

HW: Finish reading Fires in the Mirror, pp. 113-139.

Friday 1/29: Write FF #6: Creating a Character (see handout for details).

HW: Write FF #7: Anna Deavere Smith’s three essential questions.  Begin writing your character monologue (see handout for details).

Monday 2/1: NO CLASS

Tuesday 2/2: Share writing.  Character improvisations.

HW: Write FF #8: Motivation.  Finish writing character monologue.

Wednesday 2/3: Character Monologue draft due.  Peer editing/individual meetings with Julia.

HW: Rehearse character monologue for performance/critique.

Thursday 2/4: Character Monologue performance and critique.

HW: Revise character monologue as necessary. Write one étude (see handout for details).

Friday 2/5: Character Monologue performance and critique.

HW: Revise character monologue as necessary. Write one étude (see handout for details).

Monday 2/8: NO CLASS

Tuesday 2/9: Character Monologue performance and critique.

HW: Revise character monologue as necessary. Write process piece.

Wednesday 2/10: Peer editing/individual meetings.

HW: Write process piece.  Assemble portfolio for submission on Thursday, 2/11.

Thursday 2/11: Character Monologue Portfolio due.  Share/discuss one-act plays.  Introduction to John Guare’s Six Degrees of Separation.

Dang Lang: HW 1/25-2/9

Monday 1/25 – Spot Passage Test.  HW: Read and annotate pp. 198-222.

Tuesday 1/26 – Discuss pp. 198-222: Suburban life in Beardsley, playing father-daughter, Gaston, acting lessons.

Wednes. 1/27 – NO CLASS

Thursday 1/28 – Discuss pp. 222-253: Quilty – doubles, mirrors, windows; elements of mystery style (clues, red herrings, chase scenes, etc.); guns and cars and highways.
HW: Read and annotate pp. 253-280.

Friday 1/29 – Discuss Lolita pp. 252-280.  Discuss “Dolores Disparue,” the “hunt” and the paper chase; Humbert’s (in)sanity; final reunion.
HW: Read and annotate pp. 281-309.  Optional reading: “On a novel entitled Lolita” and supplementary articles.  Write opinion piece: Is Lolita pornography or masterpiece?  See directions on next blog post.

Monday 2/1 – Discuss end of novel and Nabokov’s essay.  Handout supplementary articles.  Discuss essay assignment.
HW:Read supplementary articles (optional).  Brainstorm ideas for essay; search for quotations.

Tuesday 2/2 – Watch Lolita film.  HW: Work on draft of essay.

Wednes. 2/3 – No class

Thursday 2/4 – Watch Lolita film.  HW: Finish draft of essay.  Bring in a typed copy of your essay to class on Friday.

Friday 2/5 – Essay Draft due. Work period: peer editing/individual conferences.
HW: Revise essay, according to peer/teacher feedback.  Make sure that you incorporate detailed close reading in your essay!

Monday 2/8 – Watch Lolita film.
HW: Finish essay and write process piece, due Tuesday February 9.  Include draft with final essay.

Tuesday 2/9 – Lolita essay due.

Senior Project Proposal due Feb. 1

This week, please revise and expand your Detailed Proposal, according to the instructions posted here. SP Proposal Instructions

All proposals are due Monday, February 1 by 8:30 AM, regardless of which section you are in.  Please submit your proposal via Moodle, following the directions below.

  1. Go to Moodle page on your browswer. http://moodle.lrei.org/course/view.php?id=12
  2. Log in.  Your username is the first 7 letters of your last name, followed by enough letters of your first name to make the username total 7 letters, e.g. heatonj or sharpjo.  If you are currently in a class that uses a Moodle account, use your existing password.  If you are not using moodle this year, your password is “student.” (This includes students who used moodle last year.)
  3. Go to Senior Project course.  Upload your proposal.  Please make sure that your proposal has your last name in the document title, e.g. “Heaton_Proposal.doc” so that we know whose is whose.  Please upload only your own proposal.
The Senior Project Committee will meet on Thursday, Feb. 4 and Friday, Feb. 5 to evaluate proposals.  You will know whether your proposal has been approved during the week of February 8.  NOTE: Late proposals will not be approved and evaluation will automatically be postponed 1 week.

Eng 10C – Jan 19-29

Tuesday 1/19 – FINAL PERSONAL PORTRAIT PIECE DUE TODAY.    Turn in WJ#1-2 and first draft with your portfolio.
Class: Sharing of personal portraits.  Handout A.O. Scott quotation and assignment.

HW: WJ #4 – Close reading/response to A.O. Scott.  See Great American Novel handout for details.

Wednesday 1/20 – Class: Discuss A.O. Scott quotation, focusing on language, theme, and image.  How do we define the “great American novel”?   Talk about the lists we created about middle and high school texts. What makes these texts American? Share Harold Bloom’s list of American canonical works. What do you recognize on this list? What don’t you recognize?  What have you read? What would you like to read?

HW: WJ #5 – Close reading/response to Toni Morrison.  See Great American Novel handout for details.

Thursday 1/21- Class: Discuss WJ #5.  How does Morrison add further complexity to the conversation about American literature?  What might she mean by “empire building” and “national defense” in relation to talking about literature?
Introduction to F. Scott Fitzgerald (one of the authors on Bloom’s list).  Watch Ken Burns documentary on New York and the 1920s.
HW: Read and annotate “Cosmopolis 1919-1931” from New York by Ken Burns and “My Lost City” by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Friday 1/22 – NO CLASS

Monday 1/25 – Discuss “My Lost City,”  New York City and the American Dream. Begin reading The Great Gatsby out loud in class.
HW: Read and annotate Chapter 1, The Great Gatsby.

Tuesday 1/26 – Discuss Chapter 1. Hand out map.
HW: Read and annotate Chapter 2, The Great Gatsby.

Wednesday 1/27 – Discuss Chapter 2.
HW: Read and annotate Chapter 3, The Great Gatsby.

Thursday 1/28 – Discuss Chapter 3.
HW: Read and annotate Chapter 4, The Great Gatsby.

Friday 1/29 – NO CLASS

DL Jan. 19-25

Tuesday 1/19 – Class: Discuss Lolita pp. 103-142.
HW: Read and annotate pages 145-176.

Wednesday 1/20 – NO CLASS

Thursday 1/21 – Class: Discuss pages 145-176.
HW: Read and annotate pages 176-198.

Friday 1/22 – Class: Discuss pp. 176-198.  Practice for Spot Passage Test.
HW: Study for Spot Passage Test.

Monday 1/25 – Spot Passage Test.
HW: Read and annotate pp. 198-222.

PW Jan 19-26

Tuesday 1/19 Ten-minute play due.  Table-reading and feedback.
HW: If your play was workshopped today, write a 1-2 page process piece about the experiences of hearing your play read aloud and listening to peer feedback.  You will submit this process piece with your final draft.

Wednesday 1/20 – Staged readings (meet in PAC).

HW: Write process piece (see directions above).  Read and annotate Fires in the Mirror, Foreword and Background Information (pp. xvii-xxii and pp. xliii-lviii).

Thursday 1/21 – Table readings and feedback.

HW: Write process piece (see directions above).  Read and annotate Fires in the Mirror, pp. 3-39.

Friday 1/22 – Staged readings (meet in PAC).

HW: Write process piece (see directions above).  Complete final draft of your ten-minute play, due Tuesday January 26.  See 10-Minute Play checklist for details.

Tuesday 1/26 – Ten-Minute Play Portfolio due.  Discuss Fires in the Mirror — character, setting, voice and language.
HW: Read and annotate FITM pp. 40-77.

SP Detailed Proposal Instructions

Hello Seniors.  Your first major assignment is to write a detailed proposal for your project. Please click on the following link for more information.

SP Proposal Instructions

Please take careful note of these due dates:

  • The first draft is due at the start of class on January 25/26/27, depending on your section.
  • The complete proposal is due February 1, 8:30 AM, via email (jheaton@lrei.org).

If you miss the deadlines, you will be on your way to failing the Senior Project Seminar and, as a result, your participation in Senior Project will be in jeopardy.  Some of you have not yet turned in your “Why Senior Project” proposal.  Please do so immediately if you would like to receive partial credit for this assignment.