DL speech deadline extended

Hello Dangerous Language students.  Due to my absence on Thursday and the snow day on Friday, I am extending the deadline for the “dangerous speech.”  A complete draft of your speech is due on Monday.  Speeches will be delivered on Thursday and Friday. Please come to class on Monday with a typed draft of your speech.  We will have time for individual meetings and peer editing before delivering the speeches on Thursday and Friday.

See you soon!


Playwriting trip Friday 2/26

Hi everyone.  Sorry to miss class today.  I hope you know that we are going to a play tomorrow called Re-entry. We all meet in the PAC at 12:45 then travel together to the theater.  The play goes from 1:30-3:00 with a talk back after.

This is an amazing opportunity! Please read the following information to prepare for the show:

Distant Wars Constant Ghosts

Five Questions about Re- Entry

And keep writing those one-acts!

SP Research – updates and reminders

Please make note of the upcoming deadlines for Senior Project Seminar:

  • By February 26 – Meeting with Karyn
  • March 1-2-3: Bibliography with at least 10 sources (due in class)
  • March 15 – Literature Review paper (remember that this is not a research paper – see handout for details)

Here is the Senior Project Research handout with more detailed information about each of these assignments.

Here are two helpful links for how to do a bibliography in MLA format.  Sample bibliographies are available on both sites.

  • http://www.dianahacker.com/resdoc/p04_c08_s5.html
  • http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/12/

More information on Literature Review coming next week!

Senior Project – Bibliography due Mar 1-2-3

Step 3: Compiling the Bibliography

Using your resource list (Step 1), find at least 10 specific sources that will form the basis of your literature review or research paper.  You will be expected to read all 10 sources and take notes.  If you are familiar with NoodleTools, you are encouraged to use it to compile your bibliography.  Otherwise, you must create a Word document that lists all sources. Whether you use NoodleTools or Word, you must use correct MLA format for all citations.  Your bibliography must include the following types of sources:

  • At least 2 articles from academic, professional, or trade publications
  • At least 1 website from a leading organization or association
  • At least 1 other website
  • At least 1 post or series of posts from a blog or forum
  • At least 1 book (non-reference)
  • At least 1 non-textual source (video, podcast, television broadcast, etc.)
  • Experiential research (interview, observation, shadowing, etc.)

The balance of number/type of sources may differ a bit depending on topic.  See Julia or Karyn if you have questions.

Þ Complete bibliography due March 1-2-3 (depending on section).

Literature Review deadline changed to March 15!

Dang Lang for Thurs, 2/25

First, begin preparing for your student speech.  Please read over the assignment handout (Student Speech Asst) and come to class ready with ideas and questions.

Please review the articles in your packet on current student speech cases (pg. 18-21) and the homework from 2/11, especially the Cyberbullying case.

Also, here is a recent case from Philadelphia about school-issued laptops that touches on students’ right to free speech and privacy.  Please read and be prepared to share your comments on Thursday.

Playwriting HW 2/19-2/26

Friday 2/19 – Go over One-Act Play Assignment.  Read from Six Degrees of Separation in class.
HW: Finish reading Six Degrees.  Brainstorm ideas for final one-act.  Options: Write on theme, situation or character; review past freewrites (especially from the 10-minute play); write a cast of characters; write from a newspaper clipping; write from a picture.  If you already have a clear idea for your one-act play, then you can begin writing FF #12 (see directions on handout).

Monday 2/22 – NO CLASS

Tuesday 2/23 – Discuss ideas for final play.  Discuss end of Six Degrees and begin watching film, time permitting.

HW: Write focused freewrite #12 (see directions on handout).  Begin writing your one-act.

Wednesday 2/24 – Watch Six Degrees of Separation (film).  Discussion — use of allusion and symbol; incorporation of props, staging, lights and effects; the playwright’s intent; casting and performance concerns.
HW: Work on one-act.  Write one étude (FF #13 – see directions on handout).

Thursday 2/25 – Watch Six Degrees of Separation (film).
HW: Work on one-act.  Write another étude (FF #13 – see directions on handout).  If writing in pairs, do FF #14.

Friday 2/26 – Writing workshop; individual conferences as needed.
HW: Finish first draft of one-act play, due Tuesday March 2.

Tuesday 3/2 – First draft of one-act due. Workshop scenes.

Dang Lang HW Feb. 19-23

Friday 2/19 – Discuss Tinker and Fraser.

HW: Read and annotate the cases Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier (pages 14-17 in packet) and Morse v. Frederick.  Packets are available at HS reception.  Two optional articles with commentary on Morse v. Frederick are also posted here.  Free Expression Policy Project MTV Article

Monday 2/22 –Discuss Hazelwood and Morse v. Frederick, as well as trends in recent cases.

HW: Study for Law Quiz on Tuesday.  Review annotations, case brief sheets, and key quotations.

Tuesday 2/23 – Law Quiz.

English 10C Feb. 17-26

Wednesday 2/17: Quiz: Chapters 7-9.  WJ #9 revisions due. Discuss The Great Gatsby – ending, cyclical form, time, what makes Gatsby great?
HW: WJ#10: What makes a good essay? (see handout) due Thursday 2/18.

Thursday 2/18 – Writing Workshop #1: Essay as Genre. Share writing.  What makes a good essay?  Discuss the form and function of the analytical essay.  Introduce essay assignment.  Gatsby Essay 2010. In class writing: What aspects of The Great Gatsby interest you most?
HW: WJ #11 – Quotations & analysis (see handout) due Monday 2/22.

Friday 2/19- No class

Monday 2/22 – Writing Workshop #2: Intro and thesis statements.
HW: Write the introduction and thesis of your essay, due Tuesday, 2/23.

Tuesday 2/23 – Writing Workshop #3: Body paragraphs.
HW:  Write the first two body paragraphs of your essay, due Wednesday 2/24.

Wednesday 2/24 – Writing Workshop #4: Conclusions.  How to deepen argument and form conclusions.
HW: Write the third (and fourth) body paragraph and conclusion for your essay.  Complete first draft due Thursday 2/25.  MUST BE TYPED AND PRINTED OUT before class.

Thursday 2/25 – First Draft Due.  Individual conferences. Revision in class. (Bring laptops)
HW: Continue revising your essay.  Save first draft for submission with portfolio.

Friday 2/26 – No class

Assignment due Feb. 22-23-24

Today in class, you received the assignment sheet for the Research and Literature Review.  It is also attached here.  Senior Project Research

If you were instructed to revise your proposal, please submit the new version and/or schedule a meeting with Julia to discuss your changes and additions.  If you need help finding an internship or other experiential component, please see Julia or Ruth.

Assignment due Feb. 22-23-24: Generate 3-5 focused research questions to guide your process. Many of you came up with good questions in your proposals so reread for ideas.  By next week’s class, you must also schedule and attend a research meeting with Karyn. This can happen during a study, lunch, or afterschool.  Please come to the meeting prepared with your list of sources and questions; meetings will take 10-15 minutes.