Friday 2/19 – Go over One-Act Play Assignment. Read from Six Degrees of Separation in class.
HW: Finish reading Six Degrees. Brainstorm ideas for final one-act. Options: Write on theme, situation or character; review past freewrites (especially from the 10-minute play); write a cast of characters; write from a newspaper clipping; write from a picture. If you already have a clear idea for your one-act play, then you can begin writing FF #12 (see directions on handout).
Monday 2/22 – NO CLASS
Tuesday 2/23 – Discuss ideas for final play. Discuss end of Six Degrees and begin watching film, time permitting.
HW: Write focused freewrite #12 (see directions on handout). Begin writing your one-act.
Wednesday 2/24 – Watch Six Degrees of Separation (film). Discussion — use of allusion and symbol; incorporation of props, staging, lights and effects; the playwright’s intent; casting and performance concerns.
HW: Work on one-act. Write one étude (FF #13 – see directions on handout).
Thursday 2/25 – Watch Six Degrees of Separation (film).
HW: Work on one-act. Write another étude (FF #13 – see directions on handout). If writing in pairs, do FF #14.
Friday 2/26 – Writing workshop; individual conferences as needed.
HW: Finish first draft of one-act play, due Tuesday March 2.
Tuesday 3/2 – First draft of one-act due. Workshop scenes.