Eng 10C – HW due 4/8 and film clips

Great discussion today everyone!  Here is the updated homework assignment due tomorrow.

HW: Read and annotate The Bluest Eye, pp. 23-32 (“some coal”).  Pay attention to Pecola Breedlove’s home and family, her appearance, and definitions of “ugliness.  Writer’s Journal #14: Images of beauty. Please use your freewrite and notes from the films to complete at least 2 pages of thoughtful, focused writing on this topic.  Due Thursday.

And here are the links to the various videos and images we have discussed:

Public Speaking – Week 2

In class – defining “good” and “bad” qualities of Public Speaking, based on the TED talks you watched over the break.

Homework for next week: Prepare a 2-3 minute “how-to” speech in which you teach a specific action or skill to the class.  This should be something that you personally know how to do and can explain and/or demonstrate clearly in under 3 minutes (examples: “How to cook scrambled eggs” or “How to buy a Metrocard.”   You MAY NOT refer to notes, but you can use visual aids if you wish.  Please refer to the list of Qualities of Effective Public Speaking for ideas on how to deliver a strong, clear speech.

Dante HW 4/5-4/9

Monday (4/5) Share and discuss Dante references.  Read and discuss Inferno, canto 1.
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 2-3.

Tuesday (4/6) Discuss Inferno, cantos 2-3.  Hand out packet; explain use of summaries, note-taking guide, and online resources.
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, canto 4.  Reader Response #2: What is your reaction to Dante’s definitions of “neutrals” and Limbo?  How does this match/not match with your own notions of the afterlife and justice?  Are there any residents of these two areas that you think do not belong there?  If you were assigning people to neutral/Limbo, who would you put there and why?  Due Wednesday, 2 pages, typed.

Wednesday (4/7)   Reader Response #2 due. Discuss Inferno, canto 4 (Limbo).  Share responses.  Explain canto teach and close reading,   Assign student cantos.
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 5-6.  Take notes on both cantos as if you were going to teach the class.

Thursday  (4/8) NO CLASS

Friday (4/9) Check notes.  Discuss Inferno, cantos 5-6.  Everyone must take part in discussion and teaching of these cantos!
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 7-9.  Prepare to teach your assigned cantos.

Eng 10C HW 4/5-4/9

Monday 4/5 – Discussion: Review The Bluest Eye, pp. 9-23.  View images from American Stories exhibit and Shirley Temple clips.

HW: Bring in an image of “beauty”, either current or from your childhood memory.  Be prepared to share in class tomorrow.

Wednesday 4/6- Discussion: Share images of beauty.  View “A Girl Like Me” (2006) and “Barbie and Ken 101” (2010).  Links available on blog.  Take notes on both films to prepare for in-class writing.

HW: Read and annotate The Bluest Eye, pp. 23-44. Pay attention to Pecola Breedlove’s home and family, her appearance, and definitions of “ugliness.

Thursday 4/7– Discussion: The Bluest Eye, 23-44.  HW: Read and annotate The Bluest Eye, pp. 44-58.

Friday 4/9- Discussion: The Bluest Eye pp. 44-58. HW: Read and annotate The Bluest Eye pp. 61-80.

Dante – HW for 3/15-18

Monday (3/15) First class: Course overview and expectations. Why read Dante? What can we learn from reading Dante? Where can we find Dante in the modern world?

HW: Reader Response #1: What is your vision of the afterlife?  You may answer the question in words, images, or a combination of both.  Be creative and brave in your answer.  Due Tuesday, 2 pages, typed. Please come to class with required materials.

Tuesday (3/16) Reader Response #1 due. Share responses.  Introduction to Dante and the Commedia: biography, Florence, exile, poet vs. pilgrim, political/social commentary, terza rima, Virgil and other reference texts.

HW: Read and annotate “Catechism of the Divine Comedy” by Joseph Gallagher (handout).  What questions do you have about Dante, the man and the poet?

Wednesday (3/17) Discuss “Catechism” reading and FAQ’s.  Show online Dante resources, Digital Dante study guide and image gallery, Dante Worlds, map of Hell, etc.  If time allows, begin reading Inferno, Canto 1 together in class.

HW: (1) Bookmark Digital Dante and Dante Worlds on your computer and begin to explore. (2) Find at least one reference to Dante or his subject matter (hell, heaven, devil, sin, etc.) in contemporary popular culture (music, art, literature, film).  Be prepared to show-and-tell in class on Monday, April 5 after break.

Recommended reading: A Modern Reader’s Guide to Dante’s The Divine Comedy by Joseph Gallagher.  ISBN: 0-7648-0494-4.  This is a great resource with canto summaries and good, brief analysis of major allusions and references.  I highly recommend it!

Eng 10C – HW for 3/15-18

Monday 3/15 – Discussion: Setting goals for Trimester 3.  Introduction to Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye: Dick and Jane primers of the 1940s. If time allows, begin reading The Bluest Eye, pp. 3-6 together in class.

HW: Writer’s Journal #12: Goals for Trimester 3 (at least 3 specific goals about writing, reading, writing, with explanation for how you will achieve them!)

Tuesday, 3/16 – NO CLASS

Wednesday, 3/17 – Discussion: Share writing.  Read aloud The Bluest Eye, pp. 5-23.  Discuss characters, parents, ways of showing love, Mr. Henry, etc.

HW: Finish reading The Bluest Eye up to page 23.  Then write Writer’s Journal #13: respond to the novel so far, especially regarding perceptions of beauty/ugliness.

Thursday, 3/18 – Discussion: Read aloud The Bluest Eye, 23-32.  Examine & define outdoors; dolls, Shirley Temple, definitions of beauty; how different characters show love and seek love.  Return Gatsby essays, debrief the essay process, and discuss writing assignments for the rest of the year.

HW: No homework over vacation – but I encourage you to enjoy a good book!

DL: Helpful Resources for Final Project

Whether you are doing option 1, 2, or 3 there are great resources available for you on the LREI Library webpage.  Follow this link to the LREI Library Digital Catalog/Visual Search: Dang Lang Resources

    You will now see over 20 sources specifically chosen to help you with the final project!

    If you are doing Option 1, you will find legal resources from ACLU, Landmark Supreme Court Cases, and First Amendment Center.

    If you are doing Option 2, you may want to take a look at the Banned Books list, PABBIS, and LREI policies.

    If you are doing Option 3, definitely check out PABBIS, Banned Books list, and Parent Advisory.

    Remember that all sources should be cited in a Works Cited list and turned in with your project.

    See you the 11th!

    English 10C – Gatsby essay now due March 9

    The deadline for the Gatsby essay has been extended to Tuesday, March 9 at 11:30.  This deadline is not negotiable and late papers will be severely penalized.  Please plan ahead for how you will complete all the revisions and compile the portfolio before Tuesday morning.  Even if you do not have a 9:00 am exam on that day, you must still come in to school to turn in the essay portfolio.

    Please refer to the essay checklist for specific details.  And don’t forget to include a process piece!

    Dang Lang HW for Fri 3/5

    Two things for tomorrow:

    1. Critique of your partner’s speech according to the directions on the speech handout.  This can be short (about 1 page, typed) but it must be specific.  Your thoughtful critique is a component of your grade on this assignment.

    2. Choice of final project and topic.  For example, if you are doing Option 1, you need to choice a specific case or legal issue to research; if you are doing Option 2 you need to know what kind of book and what the major content will be; if you are doing Option 3, you need to select your title and clear it with me tomorrow.  Attached is the 2010 final project handout for your reference.