Dante HW 4/26-5/3

Monday (4/26) Close reading outline/prewriting due. Discuss Inferno, cantos 19-20.  Students teach cantos. [MARGRET]
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 21-23.  Prepare to teach your assigned cantos.

Tuesday (4/27) Discuss Inferno, cantos 21-23.  Students teach their cantos. [FRANCESCA, RACHARD]
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 24-25.  Prepare to teach your assigned cantos.

Wednesday (4/28) Discuss Inferno, cantos 24-25.  Students teach their cantos.  [JACOB, ZOE]
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 26-28.  Prepare to teach your assigned cantos.

Thursday (4/29) NO CLASS

Friday (4/30) Work period: Close readings. [Julia out at conference.]
HW: Complete close reading, if you have not already done so, due Monday 5/3. Review cantos 26-28 for Monday’s discussion.

Monday (5/3) Close reading due. Discuss Inferno, cantos 26-28 (students teach cantos). [ZACH]
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 29-30.

Public Speaking – Week 5

In class: assign roles for debate (opening, evidence, rebuttal, closing) and conduct research to find evidence in support of your position.

HW: Prepare for in-class debate next week.  You may bring up to one page of typed notes to class to use in the debate.  You will also have access to one laptop per team.  Please read the attached Debate Assignment handout for more information about procedure, time limits, and evaluation.

English 10C – HW 4/26-4/30

Monday 4/26 – Discussion: The Bluest Eye, pp. 154-163.  Why/how did the characters arrive at this moment? Issues of power and voice in the story and in the narrative structure, sharing writing. HW: Review The Bluest Eye, pp. 164-183 and read up to page 192.

Tuesday 4/27 – No class

Wednesday 4/28 – Discussion: The Bluest Eye pp. 164-183: Soaphead Church’s story.  What is the connection between the primer (“see the dog”) and the events in the chapter? Soaphead’s definitions of beauty, his upbringing, his relationship with God. Observe patterns of child abuse in the novel—how do Soaphead and other adults use and abuse Pecola?

HW:  Study for close reading quiz, Thursday 4/29.


HW: Read and annotate The Bluest Eye, pp. 193-206.

Friday 4/30 – Class: Watch Oprah’s interview with Toni Morrison.

HW:  Read and annotate The Bluest Eye, pp. 209-216, “Afterword.”

Monday 5/3 – Discussion: Discuss The Bluest Eye pp. 183-216 – summer imagery; narrative shifts—who is the “we” of this section? Who is to blame for what happens to Pecola? Discuss the “Afterword” in relation to Oprah’s interview.

HW: Prepare for in-class essay (pre-writing).

Dante HW 4/19-4/26

Monday (4/19) Discuss Inferno, cantos 14-16.  Students teach their cantos.
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, canto 17. Study for quest Tuesday.

Tuesday (4/20) Inferno Quest, cantos 1-17.
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 18-20.

Wednesday (4/21) Discuss Inferno canto 17-18.  Distribute close reading samples and go over requirements for outline, prewriting, and final draft.
HW: Review cantos 19-20.  Prepare to teach your assigned cantos. Complete close reading outline and prewriting, due Monday, April 26.

Thursday (4/22) COLLEGE TRIP – NO CLASS


Monday (4/26) Close reading outline/prewriting due. Discuss Inferno, cantos 19-20.  Students teach cantos.
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 21-23.  Prepare to teach your assigned cantos.

Eng 10C – HW 4/19-4/23

Monday  (4/19)  Discussion: The Bluest Eye pp. 110-131: compare the key aspects of Pauline’s story (tooth metaphor, color imagery, attitudes towards sex, etc.) with the experiences of Geraldine and Pecola.
HW: Read and annotate The Bluest Eye pp. 132-153.

Tuesday (4/20) NO CLASS

Wednesday (4/21) Discussion: The Bluest Eye pp. 132-153: Compare aspects of Pauline’s story with parallel aspects of Cholly’s story (watermelon metaphor, images of color and light, physical response to rejection and oppression, power and sexuality). How do these two characters deal with conflicting emotions and motives?
HW: Read and annotate The Bluest Eye pp.  154-163.

Thursday (4/22) Discussion: The Bluest Eye pp. 154-163: Why did Morrison choose to include certain details in this scene, while omitting others?  Why/how did the characters have arrive at this moment?
HW: Read and annotate The Bluest Eye pp. 164-183 [due Monday 4/26.]

Friday           (4/23)           NO CLASS – Shakespeare’s Birthday – Special Presentation

Public Speaking – Week 4

In class: assignment of debate topics and groups.  See the attached list of Debate topics for details.  If you missed class on Monday, please see Julia to receive your debate assignment.

HW: Find at least one source in support of your debate position.  We will be doing research in class next week.

Dante HW 4/19-4/26

Monday (4/19) Discuss Inferno, cantos 14-16.  Students teach their cantos.
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, canto 17. Study for quiz Tuesday.

Tuesday  (4/20) Inferno Quest, cantos 1-17.
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 18-20.

Wednesday  (4/21) Discuss Inferno canto 17-18.  Distribute close reading samples and go over requirements for outline, prewriting, and final draft.
HW: Review cantos 19-20.  Prepare to teach your assigned cantos. Complete close reading outline and prewriting, due Monday, April 26.

Thursday (4/22) COLLEGE TRIP – NO CLASS


Monday  (4/26) Close reading outline/prewriting due. Discuss Inferno, cantos 19-20.  Students teach cantos.
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 21-23.  Prepare to teach your assigned cantos.

Eng 10C – HW 4/12-4/19

Monday (4/12) Discussion: The Bluest Eye pp. 61-80: seasonal images; internalized racism; Mr. Henry; “ruined” status of women.

HW: Read and annotate The Bluest Eye pp. 81-93.

Tuesday (4/13) NO CLASS

Wednesday (4/14) – Discussion: The Bluest Eye pp. 81-93.

HW: Read and annotate The Bluest Eye pp. 97-109.

Thursday (4/15) Discussion: The Bluest Eye pp. 97-109 — “ruined” women and second appearance of the prostitutes; Mrs. Breedlove and Pecoloa at the Fisher house.

HW: Read and annotate The Bluest Eye pp. 110-131.  Mark each of the major events of Pauline’s life in your text and pay special attention to images of color.


Monday (4/19) Discussion: The Bluest Eye pp. 110-131: compare the key aspects of Pauline’s story (tooth metaphor, color imagery, attitudes towards sex, etc.) with the experiences of Geraldine and Pecola.

HW: Read and annotate The Bluest Eye pp. 132-153.

Dante – HW for 4/9-4/19

Friday (4/9)

HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 6-9.  Take notes on your assigned canto and be prepared to present briefly in class on Monday.

Monday (4/12)

Discuss Inferno, cantos 6-9.  Present cantos in pairs-trios.  Explain canto teach and close reading.   See the Inferno Teach and Close Reading handout for details and canto assignments.

HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 10-11.  Prepare to teach your assigned cantos.

Tuesday (4/13)

Discuss Inferno, cantos 10-11.  Students teach their cantos (LUCAS).
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 12-13.  Prepare to teach your assigned cantos.

Wednesday (4/14)

Discuss Inferno, cantos 12-13.  Students teach their cantos (OLIVIA, MONTY).
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 14-16.  Prepare to teach your assigned cantos.

Thursday (4/15) – NO CLASS

Friday (4/16) – SCHOOL CLOSED – NO CLASS

Monday (4/19) – Discuss Inferno, cantos 14-16.  Students teach their cantos. (REUBEN, EMILY)
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, canto 17. Study for quiz Tuesday.