Monday 5/17 – WJ #20 due. Discussion: Share WJ#20. Writing workshop #1: What is your critique of the American Dream? What evidence/texts will you use to persuade your reader? Looking at texts of the course: “How is this text a critique of the American Dream? What evidence could I use from this text for my own critique?”
HW: Continue work from today, looking at each text as a possible critique. Finalize the two texts you will use as a lens to critique the notion of the American Dream. Find 3-5 pieces of evidence from each text and analyze those pieces of evidence, keeping in mind your critique. This is WJ#21. 2 pages typed, minimum, due Wednesday.
Tuesday 5/18 – NO CLASS
Wednesday 5/19 – WJ #21 due. Discussion: Writing workshop #2: Evidence and analysis, organization of argument, body paragraphs. How might your analysis inform the structure of your argument? How do the topic sentences provide a “map” for the reader?
HW: Formulate topic sentences for your body paragraphs. Using the analysis from WJ#21, write at least one body paragraph. 1 page typed, minimum, due Thursday.
Thursday 5/20 – Discussion: Writing workshop #3: Evidence and analysis, body paragraphs, continued. Generating thesis statements and intro.
HW: Generate 5-7 sentences for your introduction and include a specific working thesis statement. Due Friday.
Friday 5/21 – Writing workshop #4: Introduction and thesis statement. Peer editing or work period.
Assignment: Finish the first draft of your essay. Revise intro, thesis, topic sentences, analysis, and citations. Add more evidence as needed, deepen analysis for each body paragraph. First draft due Monday, May 24. (4 pages, typed, minimum).
Monday 5/24 – FIRST DRAFT DUE. In class conferences.
HW: Continue revising your essay.