Annabel Lee
Here is a link to the poem “Annabel Lee” by Edgar Allan Poe. How many connections do you see to Lolita?
Here is a link to the poem “Annabel Lee” by Edgar Allan Poe. How many connections do you see to Lolita?
Tuesday Jan. 5 – Class: Banned books review – key terms: censorhip, challenge, ban. Introduce Lolita, Nabokov, history of publication, censorship, contexts, cultural reference point. Begin reading aloud in class.
Wed. Jan 6 – No class
Thur. Jan 7 – Class: Discuss Lolita pp. 3-21. Compare the Foreword and the opening, issues of authorship, nymphets. Read “Annabel Lee” and discuss parallels.
Fri, Jan. 8 – Class: FIELD TRIP: 6th Avenue Library. Guest Speakers Jennifer Hubert Swan and Stacy Dillon, MS and LS Librarians.
Monday, Jan. 11 – Class: Discuss Lolita pp. 21-62. Character descriptions, Lolita’s appearance, garden imagery. The diary– who is intended audience? First scenes of thwarted lust.
Tuesday, Jan. 12- Class: Discuss Lolita pp. 62-89. Analyze hidden word plays, games, and masks– who’s who, the class list, Carmen, Charlotte’s love letter (pages 31, 51, 61, 67). Keys, locks, and secrets — what is locked away and hidden within the text?
Wednes, Jan. 13- No class
Thurs., Jan 14 – Class: Discuss pp. 89-117. Scenes of satisfaction and illusion. Charlotte’s accident: foreshadowing, the playwright’s voice, the role of Fate.
Friday, Jan 15 – Julia at conference, silent reading in class. Read up to page 142 or beyond.
Monday (12/14) — Handout course overview, syllabus, go over course expectations. Introduction to First Amendment: Define freedom of speech and censorship: rights and responsibilities of citizens and students; speech as power; the words you can’t say. Is censorship ever appropriate?
HOMEWORK: Choose one of the essential questions on the course overview and write a thoughtful, personal response (2 pages, typed, double-spaced). This will be shared writing. Due Tuesday 12/12.
Tuesday (12/15) — Response due. Share writing and discuss essential questions. First Amendment discussion continued.
HW: Read the list of banned/challenged books and answer the questions on the back.
Wednesday (12/16) — NO CLASS
Thursday (12/17) — Banned Books discussion. Guest speaker: Karyn Silverman. Discuss banned and challenged books, censorship vs. selection, reasons for and statistics about censorship and challenges
HW: Optional independent reading – choose one of the titles from the banned books list and read the book over the break. This is not required, but if you choose to read a book it could be the basis of your final project for the course!
Have a safe and restful winter break. See you in 2010!
Class begins on Monday, December 14. Visit the blog every day for assignments, syllabi, and course updates. Click here for the course overview