Category: Dangerous Language

DL: Helpful Resources for Final Project

Whether you are doing option 1, 2, or 3 there are great resources available for you on the LREI Library webpage.  Follow this link to the LREI Library Digital Catalog/Visual Search: Dang Lang Resources

    You will now see over 20 sources specifically chosen to help you with the final project!

    If you are doing Option 1, you will find legal resources from ACLU, Landmark Supreme Court Cases, and First Amendment Center.

    If you are doing Option 2, you may want to take a look at the Banned Books list, PABBIS, and LREI policies.

    If you are doing Option 3, definitely check out PABBIS, Banned Books list, and Parent Advisory.

    Remember that all sources should be cited in a Works Cited list and turned in with your project.

    See you the 11th!

    Dang Lang HW for Fri 3/5

    Two things for tomorrow:

    1. Critique of your partner’s speech according to the directions on the speech handout.  This can be short (about 1 page, typed) but it must be specific.  Your thoughtful critique is a component of your grade on this assignment.

    2. Choice of final project and topic.  For example, if you are doing Option 1, you need to choice a specific case or legal issue to research; if you are doing Option 2 you need to know what kind of book and what the major content will be; if you are doing Option 3, you need to select your title and clear it with me tomorrow.  Attached is the 2010 final project handout for your reference.

    DL speech deadline extended

    Hello Dangerous Language students.  Due to my absence on Thursday and the snow day on Friday, I am extending the deadline for the “dangerous speech.”  A complete draft of your speech is due on Monday.  Speeches will be delivered on Thursday and Friday. Please come to class on Monday with a typed draft of your speech.  We will have time for individual meetings and peer editing before delivering the speeches on Thursday and Friday.

    See you soon!


    Dang Lang for Thurs, 2/25

    First, begin preparing for your student speech.  Please read over the assignment handout (Student Speech Asst) and come to class ready with ideas and questions.

    Please review the articles in your packet on current student speech cases (pg. 18-21) and the homework from 2/11, especially the Cyberbullying case.

    Also, here is a recent case from Philadelphia about school-issued laptops that touches on students’ right to free speech and privacy.  Please read and be prepared to share your comments on Thursday.

    Dang Lang HW Feb. 19-23

    Friday 2/19 – Discuss Tinker and Fraser.

    HW: Read and annotate the cases Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier (pages 14-17 in packet) and Morse v. Frederick.  Packets are available at HS reception.  Two optional articles with commentary on Morse v. Frederick are also posted here.  Free Expression Policy Project MTV Article

    Monday 2/22 –Discuss Hazelwood and Morse v. Frederick, as well as trends in recent cases.

    HW: Study for Law Quiz on Tuesday.  Review annotations, case brief sheets, and key quotations.

    Tuesday 2/23 – Law Quiz.

    DL Feb. 11-22

    Thursday 2/11 – Watch Lolita film in class.

    HW: In addition to the article distributed in class, please read the following online reports about recent censorship in schools.  Tomorrow we will begin our study of first amendment cases related to student speech.

    1. Court Contradicts Itself
    2. Anne Frank
    3. Cyberbullying

    Friday 2/12 – First Amendment law and student speech cases (overview).  Workshop: how to read Supreme Court cases, note-taking, writing case briefs.

    HW: Read and annotate the case of Tinker v. Des Moines (1969)  Take notes in case brief format using this handout: Writing a Case Brief.  Be prepared to present the facts of the case and discuss both sets of arguments in the case.  (OPTIONAL) READ A BANNED BOOK!

    Monday 2/15-Tuesday 2/16 – SCHOOL CLOSED FOR PRESIDENTS’ DAY

    Wednesday 2/17 – NO CLASS

    Thursday 2/18 – Discuss Tinker v. Des Moines.  What principles of students rights did the Supreme Court establish in 1969?  How were these put into practice?

    HW: Read and annotate Bethel v. Fraser (1986).  Take notes in case brief format.  Be prepared to summarize the facts of the case and debate the key arguments from each side.

    Friday 2/19 – Discuss Bethel v. Fraser.  Do you agree with the court’s ruling?  Why or why not?

    HW: Read Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier and Morse v. Frederick. Prepare for quiz on Monday.

    Monday 2/22 – Law Quiz.

    DL Response due Monday 2/1

    Homework due Monday 2/1 – Finish reading Lolita pp. 281-309.  You can also read the essay “On a Book Entitled Lolita” if you choose.  Then, Write a thoughtful, detailed response to the following question: Is the novel Lolita a work of “sheer unrestrained pornography” or a “masterpiece”?  This is an opinion piece so you must begin with a clear statement of your opinion (a.k.a. thesis).  Support your opinion with specific evidence and examples from the text, quotations with page references preferred.  2 pages minimum, typed, double-spaced, 12-point font.

    Dang Lang: HW 1/25-2/9

    Monday 1/25 – Spot Passage Test.  HW: Read and annotate pp. 198-222.

    Tuesday 1/26 – Discuss pp. 198-222: Suburban life in Beardsley, playing father-daughter, Gaston, acting lessons.

    Wednes. 1/27 – NO CLASS

    Thursday 1/28 – Discuss pp. 222-253: Quilty – doubles, mirrors, windows; elements of mystery style (clues, red herrings, chase scenes, etc.); guns and cars and highways.
    HW: Read and annotate pp. 253-280.

    Friday 1/29 – Discuss Lolita pp. 252-280.  Discuss “Dolores Disparue,” the “hunt” and the paper chase; Humbert’s (in)sanity; final reunion.
    HW: Read and annotate pp. 281-309.  Optional reading: “On a novel entitled Lolita” and supplementary articles.  Write opinion piece: Is Lolita pornography or masterpiece?  See directions on next blog post.

    Monday 2/1 – Discuss end of novel and Nabokov’s essay.  Handout supplementary articles.  Discuss essay assignment.
    HW:Read supplementary articles (optional).  Brainstorm ideas for essay; search for quotations.

    Tuesday 2/2 – Watch Lolita film.  HW: Work on draft of essay.

    Wednes. 2/3 – No class

    Thursday 2/4 – Watch Lolita film.  HW: Finish draft of essay.  Bring in a typed copy of your essay to class on Friday.

    Friday 2/5 – Essay Draft due. Work period: peer editing/individual conferences.
    HW: Revise essay, according to peer/teacher feedback.  Make sure that you incorporate detailed close reading in your essay!

    Monday 2/8 – Watch Lolita film.
    HW: Finish essay and write process piece, due Tuesday February 9.  Include draft with final essay.

    Tuesday 2/9 – Lolita essay due.

    DL Jan. 19-25

    Tuesday 1/19 – Class: Discuss Lolita pp. 103-142.
    HW: Read and annotate pages 145-176.

    Wednesday 1/20 – NO CLASS

    Thursday 1/21 – Class: Discuss pages 145-176.
    HW: Read and annotate pages 176-198.

    Friday 1/22 – Class: Discuss pp. 176-198.  Practice for Spot Passage Test.
    HW: Study for Spot Passage Test.

    Monday 1/25 – Spot Passage Test.
    HW: Read and annotate pp. 198-222.