Eng 10C Homework Jan 11-18
Mon 1/11: In-class revisions and/or peer editing of personal/American portrait drafts. Field trip preparation – view and discuss selected images from American Stories exhibit – image analysis, art history overview.
HW: Finish draft of personal portrait, due Tuesday 1/12. |
Tues 1/12: First draft of personal portrait due. Field trip prep continued. Discuss museum etiquette, what to bring/what to leave at home. How to use the American Stories website. http://www.metmuseum.org/special/americanstories/exhibition-images.aspx HW: Go to http://www.metmuseum.org/special/americanstories/exhibition-images.aspx and view the assigned paintings. Remember to click on “Read more” on the post to read the relevant article(s). See field trip handout for details.
Wednes. 1/13 – FIELD TRIP to the Met: Use the note-taking handout to observe specific paintings during the trip. Choose two paintings for your detailed image comparison.
HW: WJ #3 – Image comparison. Choose two paintings from the exhibit and write a detailed analysis in which you compare and contrast the visual aspects as well as the cultural/historical significance of the two paintings. What themes or ideas do their share? How do the artists differ in the way they choose to portray these themes? In the final paragraph, write your personal reactions to two images and your reflections on the exhibit as a whole. 2 pages, typed. |
Thurs 1/14: Reflections on exhibit, sharing image analysis. How does the American Stories exhibit fit together as a whole? What larger “story” is being told? How does this connect to the tributary themes of the course and/or your American portraits? [Discuss Black-Jew dialogues, time permitting.]
HW: Finish personal portrait, due Tuesday, 1/19. Bring in completed portfolio including first draft (with revisions), final draft, and WJ #1, 2, and 3. |
Fri 1/15 – NO CLASS |
Tues 1/19 – FINAL PERSONAL PORTRAIT PIECE DUE TODAY. Turn in WJ#1-3 and first draft with your portfolio. Share personal portraits. Handout A.O. Scott quotation and assignment.
HW: WJ #4 – Close reading/response to A.O. Scott. See handout for details. |