Eng 10C – HW for 3/15-18
Monday 3/15 – Discussion: Setting goals for Trimester 3. Introduction to Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye: Dick and Jane primers of the 1940s. If time allows, begin reading The Bluest Eye, pp. 3-6 together in class.
HW: Writer’s Journal #12: Goals for Trimester 3 (at least 3 specific goals about writing, reading, writing, with explanation for how you will achieve them!)
Tuesday, 3/16 – NO CLASS
Wednesday, 3/17 – Discussion: Share writing. Read aloud The Bluest Eye, pp. 5-23. Discuss characters, parents, ways of showing love, Mr. Henry, etc.
HW: Finish reading The Bluest Eye up to page 23. Then write Writer’s Journal #13: respond to the novel so far, especially regarding perceptions of beauty/ugliness.
Thursday, 3/18 – Discussion: Read aloud The Bluest Eye, 23-32. Examine & define outdoors; dolls, Shirley Temple, definitions of beauty; how different characters show love and seek love. Return Gatsby essays, debrief the essay process, and discuss writing assignments for the rest of the year.
HW: No homework over vacation – but I encourage you to enjoy a good book!