PW Jan 12-19
Tues 1/12 – Writing Workshop #1 – Gathering Ideas. Alone or with a partner, reread focused freewrites #1-5. Look for ideas, characters, places, or structural elements that you would like to pursue further. Mark these “hot spots” by underlining or bracketing important words or phrases and annotating in the margins. Remember that these are just ideas and can be adapted, expanded, or ignored later on.
HW: Using the ideas gathered in the workshop, begin to write the first draft of your ten-minute play. This play must contain characters, setting, conflict, and negotiation, but the resolution must occur within ten minutes (approximately 5-7 pages of dialogue and stage directions).
Wednes 1/13 – Writing Workshop #2 – Quiet writing. Continue to work on your ten-minute play draft. Work quietly and independently.
HW: Continue to work on your ten-minute play draft. Bring in at least 5 pages on Thursday, a completed draft if possible.
Thurs 1/14 – Writing Workshop #3 – Getting feedback. In your journal, write about the process thus far. What are the parts of the ten-minute play that are coming together? What parts are surprising you or taking new shape? What parts still need work? Identify one moment in your script that would benefit from peer/teacher feedback and share with the class.
HW: Continue to work on your ten-minute play draft. Focus on the moment you workshopped in class today.
Fri 1/15 – Writing Workshop #4 – Revision and Resolution. Work on your ten-minute play draft, aiming to resolve any remaining “problem sections” by the end of class. You may work independently or with a partner. [Julia out at conference]
HW: Finish ten-minute play, due Tuesday 1/19, typed in correct format. We will workshop these drafts next week. Please bring multiple copies to class.
Mon 1/18 – NO SCHOOL – MLK Jr. Holiday
Tues 1/19 – Ten-minute play due. Sharing and Responding to drafts: Learning and applying language of feedback: say back, pointing, stage picture/balance, raising the stakes.
HW: If your play was workshopped today, write a 1-2 page process piece about the experiences of hearing your play read aloud and listening to peer feedback. You will submit this process piece with your final draft.