PW Jan. 5-8
Tuesday 1/5: Welcome back! Review key components of dramatic form – stage directions, dialogue, setting, character, etc. Introduce concept of theatrical conventions. Read Chekov’s “The Sneeze” in class.
- HW: Read and annotate Aristotle’s “Poetics” and “What is Screenplay?” (handout). Write focused freewrite #1: What is your response to the classical and modern conventions of dramatic writing outlined in the reading assignment? To what extent can these “”rules”” help us? To what extent should we feel free to break from these conventions?
Wednesday 1/6: Go over components of structure from the reading. Which are essential? How can you use structure as a tool not an unbroken rule? Mark the moments in “The Sneeze” that constitute conflict, reversal, recognition, climax, catharsis/resolution. Perform selected moments.
- HW: Read and annotate the Martin scene from Ionesco’s The Bald Soprano. Identify the moments in the scene that constitute conflict, reversal, recognition, climax, catharsis/resolution and mark these in your text. Write focused freewrite #2 in response to the following questions: How is the Martin scene structured? Does it follow the rules set out in Aristotle’s “”Poetics””? What is the conflict? the climax? the resolution? How does Ionesco play with the idea of the “”””recognition”””” scene? Refer to specific lines/moments in your response.
Thursday 1/7: Perform and discuss Martin scene from Ionesco’s “The Bald Soprano.”
- HW: Read and annotate David Ives “Sure Thing.” Identify the moments in the scene that constitute conflict, reversal, recognition, climax, catharsis/resolution and mark these in your text. Write focused freewrite #3 in response to the following questions: Which moments in ‘Sure Thing”” interest you or surprise you? How is the play constructed and paced? Does it follow the rules set out in Aristotle’s “”Poetics””? How does Ives play with theatrical and social conventions about character, time, timing, and dialogue? Refer to specific examples from the play in your freewrite.
Friday, 1/8: Perform and discuss “Sure Thing.” Review elements of structure from readings and freewrites. Which elements of structure are useful or essential? How can you use structure as a tool, not an unbroken rule? Explain ten-minute play assignment.
- HW: Read and annotate excerpt from The Elements of Playwriting by Louis E. Catron (handout). Begin brainstorming ideas for a short scene or one-act play you will write for this course. Write two focused free writes (FF #4 and FF #5) based on the prompts provided on pages 62-63. Minimum 2 pages each. Due Tuesday 1/12.