Eng 10C – Jan 5-8
Tuesday, 1/5: Close reading and discussion of section 24 of Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself.”” Questions for discussion: Whitman as poet and portraitist. In what ways does Whitman create a portrait of America with his writing? What does he mean by “removing the veil”? What does he reveal? What do we see?
- HW: Writer’s Journal #1 – Personal Portrait: If someone were to paint your portrait, how would you want represented? What would you want to remain hidden? How would you remove the veil? What are the artifacts, possessions, clothing, and suggestions at personal beliefs you would want included in your portrait? What does this portrait say about your identity and your American “”self””? (2 pages minimum)
Wednes. 1/6: Share and discuss WJ #1. Review the concept of “tributary themes” in American literature and American history. How does this relate to the American dream and American identity?
- HW: Writer’s Journal #2 – American Portrait: Remembering the tributary themes we discussed in class, what are the “portraits” or images of America that have shaped your understanding of the American dream, American reality, and American identity? What images do you know from history and/or contemporary media that convey a fitting “portrait” of America, American culture, or the American individual? Choose one image and analyze in detail; attach a copy your image to your WJ #2 and bring both class on Thursday.
Thurs. 1/7 – Share and discuss WJ #2 and images.
- HW: Re-read WJ #1 and #2. How does the image you selected for your American Portrait intersect with, contradict, or inform your Personal Portrait? Expand and revise one of these responses to develop a complete first draft of your personal portrait. 3-5 pages, typed, double-spaced, plus any relevant images or artifacts. Be prepare to do peer editing on Monday. The complete first draft is due Tuesday, January 12.