Week of June 1
Monday June 1
Final project proposal due (Explain form, content, and meaning of your project; approx. 2 pages typed)
(1) Small group presentations of selected passages from Paradiso: Canto 1, lines 91-93; Canto 2, 103-105; Canto 3, 70-72; Canto 4, 124-126. Each pair will identify theme(s) and motif(s) – see below for definitions of these terms.
Motif = recurring image, idea, character, word, or object, explicitly stated and often with symbolic meaning
Theme = significant idea seen throughout the text that can be represented in many different ways
(2) Compare the members of the Donati family ecountered in hell (Corso), purgatory (Forese), and paradise (Piccarda). Compare Dante’s encounter with three women: Francesca in Inferno 5, La Pia in Purgatorio 5, and Piccarda in Paradiso 3.
HW: Read and annotate Paradiso canto 33.
Tuesday, June 2
Class: Discuss Paradiso canto 33.
HW: Work on final project.
Wednesday, June 3
Thursday, June 4
REVIEW DAY – Work period/individual meetings
Friday, June 5
HW: Finish final project. Exam period is Wednesday, June 10 @ 9 am.