English 9B Syllabus September 10-22
English 9B Syllabus
Tue., Wed., Th., Fri.
Jane Belton
Syllabus: September 2009
Thursday (9/10)
In Class: Introduction to course: Go over syllabus, course expectations, summer reading, and materials. Introduce essential questions of the course. In class reading and discussion of Danticat’s “On Becoming a Writer.”
Homework: Review and re-annotate the “Epilogue: Women Like Us” in Krik? Krak!. Be prepared to write about this piece tomorrow (see the questions for Reflection # 1 below). You will be able to use your book and annotations! Your annotations will be checked everyday and will count as part of your participation and preparedness grade.
Friday (9/11)
In Class: 25 minute class. In-class Reflection #1: What connections do you see between the “Epilogue: Women Like Us” and Danticat’s essay, “On Becoming a Writer”? How does the epilogue address some of Danticat’s claims about writing and What are your thoughts on writing as a “dangerous activity”? How is storytelling or voicing oneself a dangerous act? In what ways are writers and artists silenced? This is a reflection, and does not need to be constructed like a formal essay. Use paragraphs, with one main idea in each, as a basic format. Please include specific evidence (quotes) from the epilogue in your response. You may want to use quotes from “On Becoming a Writer” too.
Homework: Review and re-annotate “Nineteen Thirty-Seven”.
Monday (9/14) — No Class
Tuesday (9/15)
In Class: Discuss “Nineteen Thirty-Seven” in Krik? Krak! Review annotation skills, expectations for written work. Discuss interesting themes, recurring images, and questions.
Homework: Complete Reflection # 2: Select three stories that appealed to you in the collection. (Note, you may not choose the stories we discussed as any of your three stories). Write a three paragraph reflection in which you discuss the themes and characters that appealed to you in three separate stories. Each of your paragraphs should address a different story and refer to specific examples by quoting directly from the text. Be sure to address why you chose each story and how those examples resonated with you. This reflection must be typed in 12 point, Times New Roman font and handed on Tuesday; this is a graded assignment. Please refer to the handout for further instructions.
Wednesday 9/16 – Friday 9/18: No Class: Ramapo
Monday (9/21) – No Class
Tuesday (9/22)
In Class: Reflection #2 due today. Pair sharing. Discuss My Reading Life
Letter assignment. Read/examine models.
Homework: Begin a draft of your Reading Life Letter. A rough draft is due Wednesday.