10 Syllabus 4/15-4/27

English 10C

Jane Belton

Syllabus April 2011

Friday 4/15

In Class: The Bluest Eye, pp 81-93: Geraldine’s story; the cat. Practice close reading skills.

Assignment: Read and annotate The Bluest Eye pp. 97-109.

Monday 4/18

In Class: The Bluest Eye, pp. 97-109.

Assignment: Read and annotate The Bluest Eye, pp. 110-131. As you read, mark and annotate each of the major events of Pauline’s life. Writer’s Journal #16: Pay special attention to images of color in the italicized sections on p.112, p.115, and p.131 What is the significance of color in this section of the novel? How does it relate to the events being described? Can you make any connections to other parts of the novel? To the novel as a whole? Write 1 to 2 pages. Prepare to hand in WJ portfolio (# 14-16) on Wednesday 4/20.

Tuesday 4/19 – No School

Wednesday 4/20

In Class: Writer’s Journal portfolio due (#14-16). Discuss The Bluest Eye, pp 110-131. Compare key aspects of Pauline’s story with experiences of Geraldine and Pecola.

Assignment: Read and annotate The Bluest Eye pp. 132-153.  Prepare for a close reading quiz on the assigned pages.

Thursday 4/21 – No Class

Friday 4/22 – No School

Monday 4/25

In Class: Close reading quiz on pages 132-153.

Assignment: Review pp. 132-153.

Tuesday 4/26

In Class: The Bluest Eye pp. 132-153: Compare aspects of Pauline’s story (tooth metaphor, images of color and voice, emotional response to rejection, power and sexuality) with parallel aspects of Cholly’s story (watermelon metaphor, images of color and light, physical response to rejection and oppression, power and sexuality). How do these two characters deal with conflicting emotions and motives?

Assignment: Read and annotate The Bluest Eye, pp. 154-163.

Wednesday 4/27

In Class: The Bluest Eye, pp. 154-163. Why does Morrison choose to include certain details in this scene, while omitting others? Why/how did the characters arrive at this moment?

Assignment: Read and annotate The Bluest Eye, pp. 164-183.

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