English 10 Syllabus March 14-18
English 10C
Jane Belton
Syllabus March 14 – March 18
Monday 3/14
In Class: Final writing on The Great Gatsby: What makes the novel “great”? Examine A. O. Scott’s quote about American Literature. How does The Great Gatsby fit into A.O. Scott’s definition? How is it a “big book”? How is it not? Why is the novel included in so many school curricula? What makes it a “classic”?
Assignment: Complete Writer’s Journal 14: Make a list of American works you’ve read in Middle School and High School (please try to be as complete as possible!) Then, answer the following questions in at least 1-2 pages, typed: What makes these texts distinctly American? What characteristics do they have? What themes do they explore? What do they have in common? Which of these would you consider “great” books and why? Which of them are “classics” and why?
Tuesday 3/15
In Class: WJ 14 due. Define “the canon”; which of the American texts you’ve read in MS and HS do you think are part of the canon? What voices are represented/under represented? Introduce Toni Morrison and her quote about the canon.
Assignment: Writer’s Journal 15: Reflect and write on the following quotation:
“Canon building is empire building. Canon defense is national defense.”
— Toni Morrison, “Unspeakable Things Unspoken: The Afro-American Presence in American Literature”
- How do you think Toni Morrison is critiquing the canon here? What do you think she means by “empire building” and “national defense” in relation to talking about literature?
- How does Morrison add further complexity to the conversation about American literature and Scott’s notion that a “big country demands big books”?
Wednesday 3/16
In Class: Share Writer’s Journal 15. Begin discussion of The Bluest Eye: Introduce Dick and Jane primer; begin reading the novel together.
No Homework – Enjoy your spring break!
Thursday 3/17 – No Class
Friday 3/18 – No Class