Category: Uncategorized

Weekly Email May 4, 2006

Dear parents,

What an amazing day! Arts Festival 2006 displayed so many facets of the LREI education: the incredible collection of artists of every ilk who are part, one way or another, of the LREI community (parents, alumni, and friends); the rigor with which artistic endeavors are approached at LREI; and, most of all, the aesthetic talents and practiced willingness to take risks of our student body. Students in mixed-grade groups ranging from eighth to twelfth spent the morning in three-hour workshops, followed by an afternoon assembly consisting of slide shows and performances of various kinds. I will let the attached list of workshops speak for itself. Congratulations to the High School Arts Department for putting together a fantastic program!

Important announcements:
* Please join us for a reception to meet incoming High School Principal Ruth Geyer Jurgensen on Monday, May 8th from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM at Charlton Street (see the attached invitation).

* Coming May 13, 7:00 PM at Charlton Street – the annual Human Rights Coffeehouse! There are still some slots available for members of the community to participate with music, poetry, or any other material with a human rights theme. This Coffeehouse is co-organized by mathematics/music teacher Micah Dov Gottlieb and the High School Human Rights Club. If you are interested, please contact Micah at

All the best,



* Monday 8 Reception for incoming High School Principal Ruth Geyer Jurgensen
* Saturday 13 Coffeehouse!
* Tuesday 16 High School Parent Rep Meeting
* Thursday 18 Spring Concert; Day 40 of Trimester III classes
* Tuesday 23 High School Sports Award Evening
* Friday 26 Field Day – No Classes
* Monday 29 School closed – Memorial Day
* Wednesday 31 Senior Project Presentation Evening

* Monday 5 Last day of Trimester III classes
* Tuesday 6-Thursday 8 Trimester III Exams/Presentations; End of Trimester II
* Thursday 8 Senior Banquet
* Friday 9 Graduation
* Monday 12-Tuesday 13 Closing days
* Tuesday 13 School closes at noon for Summer Vacation

As always, please browse the web site at Also, note the links to the Middle and Lower School weekly emails on the right. Please take a look at what the students in the other two divisions are up to!

All attachments are in .pdf format. To view these files, please download Adobe Reader, if you do not already have it. Click on this link or paste it into your browser:
If you are having trouble opening the attachments, go to to access the files.

Weekly Email April 27, 2006

Dear parents,

Several months ago, I did a “Day in the Life of the High School” blog, in which I described vignettes from a walking tour of classes on a typical day. I have had several requests for a repeat of those snapshots, so without further ado, this morning, here’s some of what was going on in and out of the High School:

* Tenth grade English students began a two- to three-page “Zoom In, Zoom Out” exercise focusing on both the details and larger significance of a passage of their choice from Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye.

* Students in the eleventh grade Latin American and Caribbean History elective learned about the merging of Christian and Aztec traditions throughout Mexico’s history.

* Ninth grade Chinese students expanded their knowledge of prepositions and continued to build their general oral and written vocabulary.

* Eleventh grade Biology students collaborated on presentations about research into primate learning, speech, biology and adaptation, and the implications about human development.

* Tenth grade French students took a test on double-object pronouns.

* Students in the eleventh grade Art and Politics: Toni Morrison English elective did a close reading of a passage from Beloved.

* Students in ninth and tenth grade Music classes visited Avery Fisher Hall, where they were treated to a normally private rehearsal of the New York Philharmonic.

* Eleventh graders in the Human Rights history elective worked on individual presentations that they will do on different issues concerning children’s rights.

* Tenth grade students in Technology learned left-right animation using Adobe Illustrator.

* Eleventh grade Precalculus students worked on solving trigonometric equations in preparation for trigonometry-based projects.

* Tenth grade Physics students used springs to measure the relationship between amplitude and wave speed, along with other characteristics of waves.

* Students in tenth grade Spanish went over the difference between the imperfect and preterite tenses.

* Ninth grade Photography, Media Arts and Studio Art students prepared their final projects for Monday’s grade-wide presentations, which will mark the end of the ninth graders’ fifth (out of six) arts rotation.

* Students in the eleventh grade required trimester-long history of New York City course, “Gotham,” learned about the New York City real estate scene – in the 1800’s!

* Tenth grade Drama students performed self-written scenes and monologues which incorporate music.

* Students in tenth grade Photography went outside to Charlton Street to take pictures using self-made pinhole cameras.

* Eleventh grade students in the Exploring Class Dynamics in Global Literature class discussed wedding traditions in the Indian caste society and in working class England.

One of the great joys of being the LREI High School Principal is getting to see all of these different manifestations of an outstanding progressive edcuational program. I hope you have enjoyed these written snapshots of what I see every day.

Important announcements:
1) Please join us for a reception to meet incoming High School Principal Ruth Geyer Jurgensen on Monday, May 8th from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM at Charlton Street (see the attached invitation).

2) A note from Director Phil Kassen about last night’s Big Auction: Congratulations to all involved in creating last night’s spectacular Big Auction! A thousand thanks to the Auction Committee Co-Chairs—Mandy Bouquet and Sharon Fong—and to their hardworking committee members. Last night’s event was an overwhelming display of generosity and support of LREI and its progressive mission. For those who were not able to attend, please visit the hall auction in the Sixth Avenue building for a selection of silent auction items and sign-up parties.

3) For tomorrow’s LREI High School Arts Festival, students should arrive at Charlton Street at 8:45 AM.

All the best,



* Friday 21 School closed – High School Planning/Meetings Day – No classes
* Friday 28 High School Arts Festival

* Monday 8 Reception for incoming High School Principal Ruth Geyer Jurgensen
* Saturday 13 Coffeehouse!
* Tuesday 16 High School Parent Rep Meeting
* Thursday 18 Spring Concert; Day 40 of Trimester III classes
* Tuesday 23 High School Sports Award Evening
* Friday 26 Field Day – No Classes
* Monday 29 School closed – Memorial Day
* Wednesday 31 Senior Project Presentation Evening

* Monday 5 Last day of Trimester III classes
* Tuesday 6-Thursday 8 Trimester III Exams/Presentations; End of Trimester II
* Thursday 8 Senior Banquet
* Friday 9 Graduation
* Monday 12-Tuesday 13 Closing days
* Tuesday 13 School closes at noon for Summer Vacation

As always, please browse the web site at Also, note the links to the Middle and Lower School weekly emails on the right. Please take a look at what the students in the other two divisions are up to!

All attachments are in .pdf format. To view these files, please download Adobe Reader, if you do not already have it. Click on this link or paste it into your browser:
If you are having trouble opening the attachments, go to to access the files.

Weekly Email April 20, 2006

Dear parents,

Spring is an exciting time for LREI High School seniors, for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, where they will be for the next four years becomes clearer as college results start to roll in. In a year when the Wall Street Journal has written about colleges rejecting students in record numbers, our students have done exceptionally well, with many getting in to colleges or universities that they had frankly considered to be “reach” schools. Please see the attached list of 2006 college acceptances as they stood as of April 11.

At LREI, Spring also marks the advent of Senior Projects. From the Handbook:

The Senior Project – a major piece of original work in the field of his or her choice – is the culmination of each student’s career at the High School. The senior project has two components: the research paper and the practicum. Beginning in March, seniors work on the research component, meeting regularly with their project mentors on the faculty. The research component serves as the factual basis for a five-week practicum, which begins in mid-April. The practicum is a field experience that often involves professional internships and domestic or foreign travel. The Senior Project Evening on May 31 is a major event in the school year to which parents, teachers and the entire school community are invited.

The combination of research and productive work in the outside world makes the Senior Project an appropriate culmination to an excellent progressive educational high school experience, and unlike many Seniors at other schools, LREI Seniors often end up working harder, and with more passion, during the third trimester than they do during the second! Over the past few months, the Senior Project Committee, led by Senior Dean Adele DeBiasi Pelz and Senior Seminar teacher (and Principal-to-be) Ruth Jurgensen, has provided each Senior with as much structure as he or she has needed to select a paper topic and find an appropriate practicum/internship. This year’s practicums will take students to Germany and France, and range from photography (studio and sports) to catering to working in a restaurant to early childhood school placement to film editing to theater to Middle Eastern politics to real estate, and on, and on. The Senior Project Presentation evening on May 31 truly is one of the highlights of the year.

The calendar for the next few weeks:

* Thursday, April 20 (tonight!): The next meeting of Parents of Children with Academic Needs, at 6:30 PM.

* Friday, April 21: Professional Development/Planning Day – No classes

* Saturday, April 22nd: Community Service Opportunity – National and Global Youth Service Day – Through this fun-filled day of service, Children for Children – an agency in NYC that plans service projects, hopes to make a lasting impact on New York communities and to encourage young people to become leaders and continue to give back to their own communities. The event will include live entertainment, hands-on service projects, refreshments and Children for Children t-shirts.
Saturday, April 22, 2006,
10am to 3pm
@ Riverside Park,
Riverside Drive at 103rd Street, Manhattan

For more information, email Nick Sullivan at

* Wednesday, April 26: Big Auction We hope you are planning on attending! If you do not have a ticket yet but want one, we need to know for sure by Monday, 10:00 AM. If you do need a ticket, or if you cannot attend but would like to bid on an item, please contact Pippa Gerard at 212-477-5316, ext. 236 or via email at The auction catalog is available in the Sixth Avenue lobby or on our website at
Many thanks for supporting LREI.

* Friday, April 28: LREI High School Arts Festival – stay tuned for more details …

All the best,



* Friday 21 School closed – High School Planning/Meetings Day – No classes
* Friday 28 High School Arts Festival

* Saturday 13 Coffeehouse!
* Tuesday 16 High School Parent Rep Meeting
* Thursday 18 Spring Concert; Day 40 of Trimester III classes
* Tuesday 23 High School Sports Award Evening
* Friday 26 Field Day – No Classes
* Monday 29 School closed – Memorial Day
* Wednesday 31 Senior Project Presentation Evening

* Monday 5 Last day of Trimester III classes
* Tuesday 6-Thursday 8 Trimester III Exams/Presentations; End of Trimester II
* Thursday 8 Senior Banquet
* Friday 9 Graduation
* Monday 12-Tuesday 13 Closing days
* Tuesday 13 School closes at noon for Summer Vacation

As always, please browse the web site at Also, note the links to the Middle and Lower School weekly emails on the right. Please take a look at what the students in the other two divisions are up to!

All attachments are in .pdf format. To view these files, please download Adobe Reader, if you do not already have it. Click on this link or paste it into your browser:
If you are having trouble opening the attachments, go to to access the files.

Weekly Email April 6, 2006

Dear parents,

Welcome back! As the Spring gets going, a number of important events to keep in mind:

* It’s Big Auction time – tickets are going fast – make sure you purchase your ticket(s) by next week. Please inform the development office if there is a group of people who would like to sit together. Tables will accommodate ten people.

This year’s raffle prizes include a flat screen tv, dvd camcorder, digital photo lab, and much more. Raffle tickets are on sale in the lobby of both buildings or available by calling or emailing the development office. Family gatherings are a great opportunity to support LREI by selling raffle tickets. If you or your children would like tickets to sell stop by the development office before the long weekend.

Auction information and the catalog are available on the LREI website. For additional information, please contact Pippa Gerard in the Development Office, 212-477-5316.

* Once again, I have attached a workshop proposal, in .pdf format and in .doc format, for the LREI Arts Festival 2006! This year, the Arts Festival is occurring on Friday, April 28, and will involve all students from grades 8 through 12. This is an exciting day when students choose from a variety of workshops offered by faculty, friends, parents and others in and out of the LREI school community. The workshops run in the morning and are followed by an afternoon of exhibitions. For more details, please see the attachment; in particular, if you or someone you know is interested in offering a workshop, please send the form in to me by Friday, April 14.

* This Saturday – 7 PM, at Charlton Street – COFFEEHOUSE! (When I say “Coffee,” you say …). This COFFEEHOUSE will have a bit of a harder rocking theme, with some of our louder bands playing. 7-9pm; $3 students+faculty & $5 guests.

Saturday, April 8
LREI Spring Arts Project at Hudson Guild
Ages: all ages boys and girls LS through High School (COMMUNITY SERVICE CREDIT AVAILABLE)
Hours: 11am – 1:00pm
Location: Elliott Center, 441 W. 26th St (bet. 9th & 10th)
Description: LREI children and parents will make Spring Crafts to decorate the Community Center. The center is located in Chelsea and provides services and programs for young and old which help community members achieve stability and self-sufficiency. For more information, see

LREI contacts: Denise Adler – 917.363.3343 or Jennifer Edson – 917.740.8654

April is National Poetry Month and to celebrate this, LREI is hosting it’s annual Poem In Your Pocket Day next Tuesday, April 11. Students are encouraged to come to school with a poem tucked into their pocket, which they can read to classmates and friends. They can also stop friends in passing and ask them to share their poems or be asked to share theirs. In the High School, we will have our annual assembly dedicated to poetry and other readings.

Other upcoming events:

* The next Parent Rep meeting will be on Tuesday, April 18 at 6:30 PM.

* The next meeting of Parents of Children with Academic Needs will be on Thursday April 20th at 6:30 PM. 

All the best,


* Monday 3 School reopens
* Saturday 8 Coffeehouse!
* Tuesday 11 Poem-In-Your-Pocket Day
* Thursday 13 School closed – Passover
* Friday 14 School closed – Good Friday
* Tuesday 18 High School Parent Rep Meeting
* Friday 21 School closed – High School Planning/Meetings Day
* Friday 28 High School Arts Festival

* Saturday 13 Coffeehouse!
* Tuesday 16 High School Parent Rep Meeting
* Thursday 18 Spring Concert; Day 40 of Trimester III classes
* Tuesday 23 High School Sports Award Evening
* Friday 26 Field Day – No Classes
* Monday 29 School closed – Memorial Day
* Wednesday 31 Senior Project Presentation Evening

* Monday 5 Last day of Trimester III classes
* Tuesday 6-Thursday 8 Trimester III Exams/Presentations; End of Trimester II
* Thursday 8 Senior Banquet
* Friday 9 Graduation
* Monday 12-Tuesday 13 Closing days
* Tuesday 13 School closes at noon for Summer Vacation

As always, please browse the web site at Also, note the links to the Middle and Lower School weekly emails on the right. Please take a look at what the students in the other two divisions are up to!

All attachments are in .pdf format. To view these files, please download Adobe Reader, if you do not already have it. Click on this link or paste it into your browser:
If you are having trouble opening the attachments, go to to access the files.

Weekly Email March 16, 2006

Dear parents,

GO WILDE! What an amazing show! On three consecutive nights, audiences were transported in time and place to a land of gentility and farce. From outstanding performances to spot-on set and costume design, a truly magnificent evening. Now, on to Scotland for the traveling troupe!

We head into Spring Break and look ahead to a typically packed April and May, Coming up:

* Once again, I have attached a workshop proposal, in .pdf format and in .doc format, for the LREI Arts Festival 2006! This year, the Arts Festival is occurring on Friday, April 28, and will involve all students from grades 8 through 12. This is an exciting day when students choose from a variety of workshops offered by faculty, friends, parents and others in and out of the LREI school community. The workshops run in the morning and are followed by an afternoon of exhibitions. For more details, please see the attachment; in particular, if you or someone you know is interested in offering a workshop, please send the form in to me by Friday, April 14.

* Repeat announcement: For parents of Seniors: A letter outlining the details of how the Senior Project will run during the third trimester.

* Heads up – on the first Saturday back from break, COFFEEHOUSE! (When I say “Coffee,” you say …). This COFFEEHOUSE will have a bit of a harder rocking theme, with some of our louder bands playing.

Saturday, April 8
LREI Spring Arts Project at Hudson Guild
Ages: all ages boys and girls LS through High School (COMMUNITY SERVICE CREDIT AVAILABLE)
Hours: 11am – 1:00pm
Location: Elliott Center, 441 W. 26th St (bet. 9th & 10th)
description LREI children and parents will make Spring Crafts to decorate
the Community Center. The center is located in Chelsea and provides services
and programs for young and old which help community members achieve
stability and self-sufficiency.
For more information, see

LREI contacts: Denise Adler – 917.363.3343 or Jennifer Edson – 917.740.8654

From my family to yours, wishing you a break filled with rest and relaxation,


* Wednesday 1 – Friday 3 Trimester II Exams/Presentations
* Thursday 2 Parents of Children who Receive Academic Support Meeting
* Monday 6 First day of Trimester III classes
* March 7 Diversity and Community Discussion
* Thursday 9 – Saturday 11 High School Play
* Tuesday 14 High School Parent Rep Meeting
* Friday 17 Founder’s Day; School closes at noon for Spring Break

* Monday 3 School reopens
* Saturday 8 Coffeehouse!
* Tuesday 11 Poem-In-Your-Pocket Day
* Thursday 13 School closed – Passover
* Friday 14 School closed – Good Friday
* Tuesday 18 High School Parent Rep Meeting
* Friday 21 School closed – High School Planning/Meetings Day
* Friday 28 High School Arts Festival

* Saturday 13 Coffeehouse!
* Tuesday 16 High School Parent Rep Meeting
* Thursday 18 Spring Concert; Day 40 of Trimester III classes
* Tuesday 23 High School Sports Award Evening
* Friday 26 Field Day – No Classes
* Monday 29 School closed – Memorial Day
* Wednesday 31 Senior Project Presentation Evening

* Monday 5 Last day of Trimester III classes
* Tuesday 6-Thursday 8 Trimester III Exams/Presentations; End of Trimester II
* Thursday 8 Senior Banquet
* Friday 9 Graduation
* Monday 12-Tuesday 13 Closing days
* Tuesday 13 School closes at noon for Summer Vacation

As always, please browse the web site at Also, note the links to the Middle and Lower School weekly emails on the right. Please take a look at what the students in the other two divisions are up to!

All attachments are in .pdf format. To view these files, please download Adobe Reader, if you do not already have it. Click on this link or paste it into your browser:
If you are having trouble opening the attachments, go to to access the files.

Weekly Email March 9, 2006

Dear parents,


From all of us to all of you.

Last week’s three-day Trimester II Exams/Presentations showed the range of product that results from our excellent progressive program. Just a few highlights:

* Tenth grade English students gave multi-media presentations on major figures from the Harlem Renaissance in the PAC, while ninth grade English students performed scenes from Macbeth. One student in Fairy Tale Literature presented from the point of view of a therapist who treats those characters who, it turns out, do not live so “happily ever after” after all.

* Students in the ninth grade Arts rotations displayed amazing work in Studio Art and Photography and gave rousing dance and dramatic performances. Meanwhile, students in the various music classes entertained the entire High School in a post-exams assembly.

* Students in science classes from all grades gave presentations to their peers on everything from comparative digestive systems in lions and sea lions to futuristic “green” communities to the physics of planetary orbits.

* Students in tenth grade history presented outlines of their upcoming research papers on major historical figures of the United States.

* Students in Calculus demonstrated that using integrals to calculate volumes of revolution actually works by measuring common household shapes (e. g., a Bundt cake pan), performing the calculations and then filling the shapes with water. Meanwhile, ninth grade mathematics students showed their geometrical prowess in everything from designs to bridge-building.

* Students in various French and Spanish classes presented on a variety of cultural aspects of various countries and regions where those languages are spoken. As always, food was involved.

Needless to say – with my apologies to many of my colleagues – this list is not complete. And needless to say, there were many papers handed in and many “traditional” tests being taken. In all, the week represented a terrific window into a High School where students amass the facts and learn the skills they need, but then put those facts and skills to use toward authentic tasks in which they are deeply invested.

Another window into the High School is this year’s list of assemblies to date. The attached list – as impressive as it is – does not do justice to the richness of experience that the students have come to expect every Tuesday afternoon. The list of assemblies up through January included civil rights lawyer Ron Kuby and Diana Osana, co-screenwriter for the – I can say this now – Oscar-winning screenplay for Brokeback Mountain, and also included inspiring multi-media presentations on Diwali, Hispanic Heritage, Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Chinese New Year. Despite these highlights, the presentations from the past four weeks have raised the bar even higher. The four presentations – by Shirin Neshat, Iranian-born filmmaker, visual artist and political activist; Staceyann Chin, Jamaican-born lesbian, feminist and performance artist; Kyra Gaunt, NYU Associate Professor and author of The Games Black Girls Play; and the Central Asian Cultural Exchange presenting the musical and oral traditions of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan – were, in turns and together, entertaining, absorbing, thrilling, emotionally and intellectually challenging.

In and out of the classroom, we – students and faculty alike – are continually expanding our horizons.

This week’s announcements:
* I have attached a workshop proposal, in .pdf format and in .doc format, for the LREI Arts Festival 2006! This year, the Arts Festival is occurring on Friday, April 28, and will involve all students from grades 8 through 12. This is an exciting day when students choose from a variety of workshops offered by faculty, friends, parents and others in and out of the LREI school community. The workshops run in the morning and are followed by an afternoon of exhibitions. For more details, please see the attachment; in particular, if you or someone you know is interested in offering a workshop, please send the form in to me by Friday, April 14.

* COME TO THE SHOW! That is, this year’s H.S. Play, Gone Wilde – An Evening with Oscar Wilde (see the press release on the web site), which will open Thursday evening, March 9th at 7pm, with performances Friday, March 10th, and Saturday March 11th, also at 7pm, in the Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $8 in advance (available at the Charlton Street front desk), $10 at the door.

* Repeat announcement: For parents of Seniors: A letter outlining the details of how the Senior Project will run during the third trimester.

* The next Parent Rep meeting will be on Tuesday, March 14 at 6:30 PM. Director of Diversity and Community Sharon Dupree will join us.

All the best,


* Wednesday 22 VISIBILITY opens at Charlton Street
* Tuesday 28 Last day of Trimester II classes

* Wednesday 1 – Friday 3 Trimester II Exams/Presentations
* Thursday 2 Parents of Children who Receive Academic Support Meeting
* Monday 6 First day of Trimester III classes
* March 7 Diversity and Community Discussion
* Thursday 9 – Saturday 11 High School Play
* Tuesday 14 High School Parent Rep Meeting
* Friday 17 Founder’s Day; School closes at noon for Spring Break

As always, please browse the web site at Also, note the links to the Middle and Lower School weekly emails on the right. Please take a look at what the students in the other two divisions are up to!

All attachments are in .pdf format. To view these files, please download Adobe Reader, if you do not already have it. Click on this link or paste it into your browser:
If you are having trouble opening the attachments, go to to access the files.

Weekly Email March 2, 2006

Dear parents,

A number of important attachments/announcements this week:

* For parents of Seniors: A letter outlining the details of how the Senior Project will run during the third trimester.

* From Phil Kassen, Director:

On Tuesday, March 7th we invite you to join the first of two upcoming diversity discussions. At this gathering, Sharon DuPree—our Director of Diversity and Community—will present our Diversity and Community Action Plan. This plan outlines the ways in which we, the LREI community, will achieve the diversity goals that are central to our mission. We are finishing the last draft of this plan and parent input is essential to the success of these efforts.

During the second part of this evening we will all—parents and faculty—share strategies for having important and often difficult conversations about issues of diversity with your children. Conversations started in school often travel home. How can you continue and expand these conversations so that your children can see that their families are thinking about these important issues as well.

On Monday, April 17th we will host a second conversation. We invite you to join a discussion of the School’s placement policy for Lower and Middle School students. We send home more information about this conversation over the next few weeks, but are hoping to address questions and concerns that we hear in the community.

Finally, please see the attached copy of the Diversity and Community Action Plan and a flyer for the two discussions. I hope to see you on Tuesday.

* Minutes from the most recent Parent Rep meeting. Next meeting: Tuesday, March 14 at 6:30 PM.

* You are cordially invited to attend this year’s H.S. Play, Gone Wilde – An Evening with Oscar Wilde, which will open Thursday evening, March 9th at 7pm, with performances Friday, March 10th, and Saturday March 11th, also at 7pm, in the Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $8 in advance (available at the Charlton Street front desk), $10 at the door.

Other (some repeat) announcements:

* From Middle School Dean of Students Gabrielle Keller: From Monday, March 6th, through Thursday, March 9th, help us build classroom libraries in New York City Public Schools by donating your new and gently used books. For more information, please read the attached flyer.

* VISIBILITY: If you did not have a chance to see the Visibility: Lesbian and Gay People We Love Photo Exhibit (see the attached press release), it has now moved over to Charlton Street, where it looks fantastic and where it will stay through Friday, March 10. Please do stop by to see this inspiring exhibit.

* From Phil Kassen, Director: Please see the attached invitation to join The Glass Menagerie–an adult chorus started at LREI over 20 years ago. We are thrilled to continue to host their rehearsals and that many members of the LREI community are part of this talented group of singers.

* Art Auction: Thanks to all who attended LREI’s Art Auction on February 2, 2006. The Art Auction is an annual silent auction of contemporary fine art. This year’s auction has raised almost $100,000 for the Tuition Assistance Program. Please help us to meet our goal by browsing the work still available – go to the Events section of If you see a piece that you are interested in buying, feel free to drop by LREI’s Sixth Avenue Campus (272 Sixth Avenue at Bleecker Street) between 8AM – 5PM, Monday through Friday. You may also call 212.477.5316 ext. 236 to make an appointment.

* Big Auction: LREI’s spring benefit, The Big Auction, will be held on Wednesday, April 26. The auction committee needs help in securing donations from the community in order to be able to offer a wide range of items to make the auction exciting for all who attend. We welcome all creative and unique ideas. Please use the attached donation form and return to the Development Office. If you have any questions, or would like to discuss a potential donation, contact Pippa Gerard in the Development Office by phone: 212-477-5316 ext. 236 or email:

Take care,


* Wednesday 22 VISIBILITY opens at Charlton Street
* Tuesday 28 Last day of Trimester II classes

* Wednesday 1 – Friday 3 Trimester II Exams/Presentations
* Thursday 2 Parents of Children who Receive Academic Support Meeting
* Monday 6 First day of Trimester III classes
* March 7 Diversity and Community Discussion
* Thursday 9 – Saturday 11 High School Play
* Tuesday 14 High School Parent Rep Meeting
* Friday 17 Founder’s Day; School closes at noon for Spring Break

As always, please browse the web site at Also, note the links to the Middle and Lower School weekly emails on the right. Please take a look at what the students in the other two divisions are up to!

All attachments are in .pdf format. To view these files, please download Adobe Reader, if you do not already have it. Click on this link or paste it into your browser:
If you are having trouble opening the attachments, go to to access the files.

Weekly Email February 23, 2006

Dear parents,

Four important announcements:

* Final exams/presentations: Trimester II will end with three days of final exams and presentations, Wednesday March 1 – Friday March 3, culminating in an arts assembly on Friday afternoon. Following the lead of other independent schools, after consultation with student representatives, we will not expect students in at times they do not have final exams/presentations – this only affects a small number of students. On each day, students will be expected in at 8:45 AM, unless they do not have a morning final exam.

* Honors Projects: Once again, the following letter was posted for all ninth, tenth and eleventh graders:

February 23, 2006

Dear Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Graders,

As last trimester, we will offer Honors Projects to our students in the ninth, tenth and eleventh grades. By electing to pursue an honors project, students challenge themselves above and beyond the requirements of the curriculum. Honors Projects will run according to the Oxford-Cambridge tutorial system, wherein students meet with teachers once per week to go over work that they have been doing largely on their own. The exact nature of the projects will be defined at least in part by the common interests of the students and teachers, but in all cases, a student who successfully completes an Honors Project will have done a work of considerable scholarship and/or art. Honors projects promote intellectual curiosity, independence, commitment, initiative and rigor. Successful completion of an honors project is entered on the official high school transcript. Honors Projects involve some kind of presentation at the end of the trimester.

In the Spring trimester, Honors Projects will be available to students in the following disciplines:

Creative Writing
Foreign Language
Visual Art
Technology/Graphic Arts/Animation

Students who are interested in pursuing such a project must be in good academic standing, and must write a letter of interest that suggests a possible topic for study and submit it to my office no later than 1:00 PM Tuesday, February 28. Students will be notified as soon as possible if their proposals have been accepted.

If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to ask.



* You are cordially invited to attend this year’s H.S. Play, Gone Wilde – An Evening with Oscar Wilde, which will open Thursday evening, March 9th at 7pm, with performances Friday, March 10th, and Saturday March 11th, also at 7pm, in the Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $8 in advance (available at the Charlton Street front desk), $10 at the door.

* VISIBILITY: If you did not have a chance to see the Visibility: Lesbian and Gay People We Love Photo Exhibit (see the attached press release), it has now moved over to Charlton Street, where it looks fantastic and where it will stay through Friday, March 10. Please do stop by to see this inspiring exhibit.

Other (some repeat) announcements:

* From Phil Kassen, Director: Please see the attached invitation to join The Glass Menagerie–an adult chorus started at LREI over 20 years ago. We are thrilled to continue to host their rehearsals and that many members of the LREI community are part of this talented group of singers.

* Art Auction: Thanks to all who attended LREI’s Art Auction on February 2, 2006. The Art Auction is an annual silent auction of contemporary fine art. This year’s auction has raised almost $100,000 for the Tuition Assistance Program. Please help us to meet our goal by browsing the work still available – go to the Events section of If you see a piece that you are interested in buying, feel free to drop by LREI’s Sixth Avenue Campus (272 Sixth Avenue at Bleecker Street) between 8AM – 5PM, Monday through Friday. You may also call 212.477.5316 ext. 236 to make an appointment.

* Big Auction: LREI’s spring benefit, The Big Auction, will be held on Wednesday, April 26. The auction committee needs help in securing donations from the community in order to be able to offer a wide range of items to make the auction exciting for all who attend. We welcome all creative and unique ideas. Please use the attached donation form and return to the Development Office. If you have any questions, or would like to discuss a potential donation, contact Pippa Gerard in the Development Office by phone: 212-477-5316 ext. 236 or email:

* The next meeting of the Parents of Children who Receive Academic Support will take place on Thursday, March 2, 2006, 6:30 at Charlton Street.

* Diversity and Community Discussion
March 7, 2006, at 6:00PM
Sixth Avenue Auditorium
– Introduction of LREI’s Diversity and Community Action Plan.
– How to continue diversity conversations at home.
Hosted by:
Sharon DuPree, Director of Diversity and Community; Phil Kassen, Director; and the divisional principals.

Take care,


* Wednesday 22 VISIBILITY opens at Charlton Street
* Tuesday 28 Last day of Trimester II classes

* Wednesday 1 – Friday 3 Trimester II Exams/Presentations
* Thursday 2 Parents of Children who Receive Academic Support Meeting
* Monday 6 First day of Trimester III classes
* March 7 Diversity and Community Discussion
* Thursday 9 – Saturday 11 High School Play
* Tuesday 14 High School Parent Rep Meeting
* Friday 17 Founder’s Day; School closes at noon for Spring Break

As always, please browse the web site at Also, note the links to the Middle and Lower School weekly emails on the right. Please take a look at what the students in the other two divisions are up to!

All attachments are in .pdf format. To view these files, please download Adobe Reader, if you do not already have it. Click on this link or paste it into your browser:
If you are having trouble opening the attachments, go to to access the files.

Weekly Email February 16, 2006

Dear parents,

An amazing line-up of assembly speakers in the month of February:

* This past Tuesday, February 14, Iranian-born photographer and filmmaker and LREI parent Shirin Neshat (see, e.g., her Guggenheim Museum website biography) spoke about her life as an exile and an artist.

* Next Wednesday, February 22, acclaimed poet and activist Staceyann Chin (see her biography on her website) will speak to kick off the opening of the Visibility exhibit at Charlton Street. COME SEE THE EXHIBIT STARTING NEXT WEEK! The official opening night this past Monday was inspiring and beautiful.

* The following Thursday, February 28, Kyra Gaunt, Associate Professor of Ethnomusicology at New York University, will come to speak about her new book, “The Games Black Girls Play” (see the NYU Press Release on her book). Ms. Gaunt lectures nationally and internationally on African American music and is also a jazz vocalist, songwriter and recording artist.

These assemblies are truly representative of the rich life of the High School, both inside the classroom and out.


Two important Auction announcements from Director of Development Pippa Gerard:
* Art Auction: Thanks to all who attended LREI’s Art Auction on February 2, 2006. The Art Auction is an annual silent auction of contemporary fine art. This year’s auction has raised almost $100,000 for the Tuition Assistance Program. Please help us to meet our goal by browsing the work still available – go to the Events section of If you see a piece that you are interested in buying, feel free to drop by LREI’s Sixth Avenue Campus (272 Sixth Avenue at Bleecker Street) between 8AM – 5PM, Monday through Friday. You may also call 212.477.5316 ext. 236 to make an appointment.

* Big Auction: LREI’s spring benefit, The Big Auction, will be held on Wednesday, April 26. The auction committee needs help in securing donations from the community in order to be able to offer a wide range of items to make the auction exciting for all who attend. We welcome all creative and unique ideas. Please use the attached donation form and return to the Development Office. If you have any questions, or would like to discuss a potential donation, contact Pippa Gerard in the Development Office by phone: 212-477-5316 ext. 236 or email:

Other announcements:
* Mid-Trimester Reports: Please let me know if you did not receive your child’s reports. Again, my apologies for the delay in mailing.

* The LREI PA Community Service Committee will extend the Room to Grow drive and will collect donations through Friday, February 24th in the Sixth Avenue lobby. For more information on the organization and a detailed list of accepted donations, please visit

* The next meeting of the Parents of Children who Receive Academic Support will take place on Thursday, March 2, 2006, 6:30 at Charlton Street.

* Tuesday, February 28 will be the last day of Trimester II classes; final exams and presentations will occur on Wednesday, March 1 – Friday, March 3. These three days, school will begin fifteen minutes later, at 8:45 AM.

* Diversity and Community Discussion
March 7, 2006, at 6:00PM
Sixth Avenue Auditorium
– Introduction of LREI’s Diversity and Community Action Plan.
– How to continue diversity conversations at home.
Hosted by:
Sharon DuPree, Director of Diversity and Community; Phil Kassen, Director; and the divisional principals.

Take care,


* Monday 20 – Tuesday 21 School closed – Presidents Weekend
* Wednesday 22 VISIBILITY opens at Charlton Street
* Tuesday 28 Last day of Trimester II classes

* Wednesday 1 – Friday 3 Trimester II Exams/Presentations
* Thursday 2 Parents of Children who Receive Academic Support Meeting
* Monday 6 First day of Trimester III classes
* March 7 Diversity and Community Discussion
* Thursday 9 – Saturday 11 High School Play
* Tuesday 14 High School Parent Rep Meeting
* Friday 17 Founder’s Day; School closes at noon for Spring Break

As always, please browse the web site at Also, note the links to the Middle and Lower School weekly emails on the right. Please take a look at what the students in the other two divisions are up to!

All attachments are in .pdf format. To view these files, please download Adobe Reader, if you do not already have it. Click on this link or paste it into your browser:
If you are having trouble opening the attachments, go to to access the files.

Weekly Email February 9, 2006

Dear all,

I have had several occasions during the past several months to think about school democracy and student empowerment. Recently, we have had two assembly periods, led by the Honor Board and the Student Government, dedicated to looking at the Student Handbook and proposing changes. FYI – The Honor Board consists of eight students and two faculty members, half of whom are elected by the student body and half elected by the faculty; the job of the Honor Board is to serve on an as-needed basis as an advisory body to the Principal regarding specific disciplinary cases, while also meeting regularly to discuss policies and procedures that relate to the culture of integrity throughout the school. The Student Government, elected entirely by the student body, consists of four officers plus eight class representatives; the Student Government runs open “Town Hall” style meetings, helps to plan assemblies, brings student suggestions to the faculty and administration and serves as an advisory group to the Principal on a regular basis. Much of the discussion about the Handbook has centered around increasing both space and time for students to use electronic devices – cell phones and ipods in particular – and there has been a strong libertarian strain to the conversations. That said, the two student groups have done a terrific job of recognizing the need for rules in running a rapidly growing school, focusing on systems that will help students engage in serious progressive scholarship, and considering what is, and what is not, realistic. In particular, one proposal has started to take a look at how we as a school respond to student lateness, a topic that is demanding closer attention as we grow by students and faculty alike. In addition, the Honor Board has begun to tackle the thorny issue of academic integrity in our increasingly complex technological world. As these conversations have progressed, I have had the opportunity to re-learn what has been made clear to me again and again this year, from the Katrina benefit to the Hispanic Heritage assembly, from the courageous Hotel Rwanda Human Rights Day to the new High School student newspaper to the upcoming planned Diversity and Community Day: The more real responsibility we give to our students, the more they will rise to the occasion. A corollary: The biggest mistake the faculty and administration can make is to underestimate our students.

In January, Dr. Joseph Featherstone (see Director of Education Nick O’Han’s December introduction to Dr. Featherstone’s work at the school) came to speak first to the faculty and then to the High School student body. In that latter talk, Dr. Featherstone spoke about student democracy and about the inherent limitations in how much governing students can really do in a school. To a certain extent, of course, he’s right – students have a limited knowledge of curricula and pedagogy, and ultimately faculty and administration have to make some hard decisions about how to allocate resources, especially that most valuable of resources, time. However, progressive education in general, and at LREI in particular, is built on a foundation of the greatest possible student-faculty partnership. As we move forward with the growth of the High School and make the necessary adaptations to a school of 180 students and beyond, I know I speak for the faculty when I say that I could not be more pleased with that partnership and I could not be more proud of our partners.

All the best,


Important item: Because of a technical issue, mid-trimester reports did not mail until yesterday. Rest assured that, because so many projects and presentations happen during the last three weeks of the trimester, students still have plenty of opportunity to raise their overall trimester assessments.

Other announcements:

* Congratulations to all who participated in a terrific Coffeehouse!, organized by High School Math/Music Teacher and Coffeehouse Guru Micah Dov Gottlieb, along with Music Teacher/Jazz Band Director Vin Scialla, who helped to being us our special guest Jimmy Norman through a Jazz Foundation Grant. What a great show! If you weren’t there, stay tuned for the next one, on April 8 …

* Regarding Visibility:

Dear LREI Community,

The exhibit “Visibility: Lesbian and Gay People We Love” is up in the 6th Avenue Auditorium and hallway. We have a record-breaking 117 photos and captions this year!

I think you will find the information at the exhibit’s start helpful in allowing you to find ways to explain why we have this exhibit, why this particular group is highlighted, and what the history of the exhibit is at LREI. As always, you will also find moving , important, and fun captions that go with all the wonderful pictures. Thank you to all who are in it, all who helped to hang it up, and all who will attend it!


Come to hear our very own Suzanne Cohen and the Lavender Light Gospel Choir, snack on appetizers from La Palapa, a Mexican Restaurant I love (and I am from NM!), and enjoy and evening of community and celebration!

Hope to see you all there next Monday in the 6th Ave. Auditorium from 6-8 PM–

Best and huge thanks for your support,

Sarah Barlow
Interim English Department Chair
8th Grade Core Teacher
Middle School LGSA Representative

* Reminder: The next Parent Reps meeting will move from Tuesday, February 14 to Wednesday, February 15 so we can all celebrate Valentine’s Day! Please see the attached minutes from the last meeting.

* The next meeting of the Parents of Children who Receive Academic Support will take place on Thursday, March 2, 2006, 6:30 at Charlton Street.

* The LREI PA Community Service Committee is once again collecting donations for Room to Grow from Monday, February 13th through Friday, February 17th in the lobby of the Sixth Avenue Building. Use this as away to get your children to get rid of items they are not using. Donations should be anything appropriate for children (newborns to 3 years of age) and in good condition (something you would pass on to a friend or family member). Room to Grow accepts books, clothing, video and music tapes, toys, bedding, strollers, highchairs, swings, baby monitors, baby’s room accessories. They do not accept stuffed animals, recalled items, furniture, diapers, car seats, cribs. If you would like a tax donation receipt please label all your boxes and bags with your name and address. Please hold onto larger items until the last collection day, Thursday, February 16. For more information on the organization and a more detailed list of what they accept/do not accept go to

* For updates on faculty performances, openings, presentations, and publications visit the Faculty in the News page on the school web site.

* Outside of the school:

The Parents League of New York and NYC-Parents in Action invite parents of students in grades 7-12 to attend:

Parents Of Teen Scene: AFTERSHOCK
February 16, 2006
6:00 – 8:00 pm
Temple Israel
112 East 75 Street

A forum for parents who would like to discuss the issues they encounter as they partner in their teenagers’ journey through the high school years.

RSVP to NYC-Parents in Action
212 987-9629

* Wednesday 1- Thursday 2 2006 Art Auction
* Saturday 4 Coffeehouse!
* Wednesday 15 High School Parent Rep Meeting
* Monday 20 – Tuesday 21 School closed – PresidentsÂ’ Weekend
* Tuesday 28 Last day of Trimester II classes
* Wednesday 1 – Friday 3 Trimester II Exams/Presentations
* Monday 6 First day of Trimester III classes

As always, please browse the web site at Also, note the links to the Middle and Lower School weekly emails on the right. Please take a look at what the students in the other two divisions are up to!

All attachments are in .pdf format. To view these files, please download Adobe Reader, if you do not already have it. Click on this link or paste it into your browser:
If you are having trouble opening the attachments, go to to access the files.