Trimester II Grades and Comments
Dear Families,
Congrats to all on a terrific Trimester II! Grades and comments for Trimester II will be available online on “My Backpack” on March 25, by 5PM. Please check to make sure you can log on to the system successfully. If you have any problems logging on, please contact, which can assist you. If you would like your child’s grades or comments mailed, please send an email to Adria Maynor, She will also be available at 212-477-5316, x301, the second week of spring break.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding a grade or comment, please contact the teacher directly, the student’s advisor, and/or class dean. Please note, teachers, advisors and class deans will be on vacation starting on Friday, March 19 at 12 noon, so a response may not come until after April 4, 2010.
In other news, by now you may have heard that Amy Shapiro, Director of College Guidance, will be moving on to another school closer to her new home, at the end of the school year. We are actively searching for her replacement, and her participation in the process continues. She loves the school, the community of students and families, and is truly invested as we all are, in finding the best fit for the high school. In addition, Janet Atkinson, who has taught Studio Art here for 26 years, will be moving on to retirement and to her first grandchild! Guo-Qing Heaton, who has taught Mandarin Chinese here, will also be moving on at the end of this year. Finally, current English teacher, Julia Heaton, has been asked to lead the Admissions department for LREI, and she has accepted. While we will miss her in the classroom, her expertise and energy in Admissions will benefit us all. As we hire for these positions, we will share details of our new colleagues. Particularly, we will be inviting 12th grade parents to meet all of our college guidance candidates.
I wish you and your family a safe, restful, wonderful spring break.
All the best,
Updates and Announcements:
1. From Red is Green Committee…
This Friday, March 19 is the last day to drop off your old batteries and cell phones. Batteries will be brought to a city drop off location to be safely recycled. Cell phones will be sent to Phones for Haiti. All funds generated by Phones for Haiti will go to aid victims of the earthquake in Haiti.
April’s recycle drive will be corks, so start saving your corks now! Corks will either be collected by teachers at LREI who use them in the classroom or recycled by Terracycle.
Next Saturday, March 27, from 8:30-9:30pm local time is Earth Hour. Millions of individuals, organizations, governments, buildings and cities around the globe will be turning off their lights for one hour to make a bold statement about their concern for climate change. You can join them by turning off your lights for one hour. For more information on this movement, visit
2. Mark your calendars for LREI’s Spring tasting event called “Stir the Pot: Taste of the Future.” You won’t want to miss the chance to meet and mingle with other parents and enjoy great food–Thursday, May 13th in the Charlton Street campus. For further information, please contact Maude Kebbon in the Office of Advancement at 212-477-5316, ext. 232.