Weekly Email February 23, 2006

Dear parents,

Four important announcements:

* Final exams/presentations: Trimester II will end with three days of final exams and presentations, Wednesday March 1 – Friday March 3, culminating in an arts assembly on Friday afternoon. Following the lead of other independent schools, after consultation with student representatives, we will not expect students in at times they do not have final exams/presentations – this only affects a small number of students. On each day, students will be expected in at 8:45 AM, unless they do not have a morning final exam.

* Honors Projects: Once again, the following letter was posted for all ninth, tenth and eleventh graders:

February 23, 2006

Dear Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Graders,

As last trimester, we will offer Honors Projects to our students in the ninth, tenth and eleventh grades. By electing to pursue an honors project, students challenge themselves above and beyond the requirements of the curriculum. Honors Projects will run according to the Oxford-Cambridge tutorial system, wherein students meet with teachers once per week to go over work that they have been doing largely on their own. The exact nature of the projects will be defined at least in part by the common interests of the students and teachers, but in all cases, a student who successfully completes an Honors Project will have done a work of considerable scholarship and/or art. Honors projects promote intellectual curiosity, independence, commitment, initiative and rigor. Successful completion of an honors project is entered on the official high school transcript. Honors Projects involve some kind of presentation at the end of the trimester.

In the Spring trimester, Honors Projects will be available to students in the following disciplines:

Creative Writing
Foreign Language
Visual Art
Technology/Graphic Arts/Animation

Students who are interested in pursuing such a project must be in good academic standing, and must write a letter of interest that suggests a possible topic for study and submit it to my office no later than 1:00 PM Tuesday, February 28. Students will be notified as soon as possible if their proposals have been accepted.

If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to ask.



* You are cordially invited to attend this year’s H.S. Play, Gone Wilde – An Evening with Oscar Wilde, which will open Thursday evening, March 9th at 7pm, with performances Friday, March 10th, and Saturday March 11th, also at 7pm, in the Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $8 in advance (available at the Charlton Street front desk), $10 at the door.

* VISIBILITY: If you did not have a chance to see the Visibility: Lesbian and Gay People We Love Photo Exhibit (see the attached press release), it has now moved over to Charlton Street, where it looks fantastic and where it will stay through Friday, March 10. Please do stop by to see this inspiring exhibit.

Other (some repeat) announcements:

* From Phil Kassen, Director: Please see the attached invitation to join The Glass Menagerie–an adult chorus started at LREI over 20 years ago. We are thrilled to continue to host their rehearsals and that many members of the LREI community are part of this talented group of singers.

* Art Auction: Thanks to all who attended LREI’s Art Auction on February 2, 2006. The Art Auction is an annual silent auction of contemporary fine art. This year’s auction has raised almost $100,000 for the Tuition Assistance Program. Please help us to meet our goal by browsing the work still available – go to the Events section of www.lrei.org. If you see a piece that you are interested in buying, feel free to drop by LREI’s Sixth Avenue Campus (272 Sixth Avenue at Bleecker Street) between 8AM – 5PM, Monday through Friday. You may also call 212.477.5316 ext. 236 to make an appointment.

* Big Auction: LREI’s spring benefit, The Big Auction, will be held on Wednesday, April 26. The auction committee needs help in securing donations from the community in order to be able to offer a wide range of items to make the auction exciting for all who attend. We welcome all creative and unique ideas. Please use the attached donation form and return to the Development Office. If you have any questions, or would like to discuss a potential donation, contact Pippa Gerard in the Development Office by phone: 212-477-5316 ext. 236 or email: pgerard@lrei.org.

* The next meeting of the Parents of Children who Receive Academic Support will take place on Thursday, March 2, 2006, 6:30 at Charlton Street.

* Diversity and Community Discussion
March 7, 2006, at 6:00PM
Sixth Avenue Auditorium
– Introduction of LREI’s Diversity and Community Action Plan.
– How to continue diversity conversations at home.
Hosted by:
Sharon DuPree, Director of Diversity and Community; Phil Kassen, Director; and the divisional principals.

Take care,


* Wednesday 22 VISIBILITY opens at Charlton Street
* Tuesday 28 Last day of Trimester II classes

* Wednesday 1 – Friday 3 Trimester II Exams/Presentations
* Thursday 2 Parents of Children who Receive Academic Support Meeting
* Monday 6 First day of Trimester III classes
* March 7 Diversity and Community Discussion
* Thursday 9 – Saturday 11 High School Play
* Tuesday 14 High School Parent Rep Meeting
* Friday 17 Founder’s Day; School closes at noon for Spring Break

As always, please browse the web site at www.lrei.org. Also, note the links to the Middle and Lower School weekly emails on the right. Please take a look at what the students in the other two divisions are up to!

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If you are having trouble opening the attachments, go to http://www.lrei.org/weekly/ms/ to access the files.

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