Weekly Email October 13, 2005

Dear all,

A short installment this week. Two important announcements:

* This Monday, October 17 at 6:15 PM (NEW TIME!) we will have the Hurricane Katrina Benefit Concert! This concert will feature the High School Jazz Band, the Middle School Band and several stars from Broadway and beyond! For more information about LREI’s efforts to aid the victims of Hurricane Katrina please go to http://www.lrei.org/whoweare/katrina.html.

And one more big event coming up this week – “Tweens Going on Twenty: Thirty Books in Thirty Minutes – A FREE evening panel discussing reading choices for fourth grade through ninth grade readers” – this Wednesday, October 19 at 7:00 PM in the Charlton Street PAC – see the attached flyer.

I also include, for your perusal, a list of the descriptions of next week’s upcoming Minimester electives. I will write more about Minimester – which will run from Wednesday, October 19 through Friday, October 21 – and about our German visitors next week.

Other dates in October:

* The first Coffehouse! of the year is at 7:00 PM on Saturday, October 22. All are welcome!

* The Eleventh Grade Potluck Dinner, with preliminary college process information provided by our own Amy Shapiro, has moved to Tuesday, October 27th at 6:30 PM.

* And coming on Sunday, October 30, from 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM: No Body is a nobody when the HALLOWEEN FAIR rises again! Location: St. Anthony’s Gym (enter on Thompson Street). The Zombie-Committee would love your undying help and support. Please volunteer that day or contribute to the pre-production of this event. Sign-up sheets and supply wish-lists are in the Sixth Avenue Lobby right now! The Toy-Prize Donation Box is also in the Lobby. BOO There, or be square! Enjoy a spook-alicious fun time featuring:

Scary Stage Show, Maskerade Parade,Fearful-Photo Opportunities, T-Shirt Boo-tique, Witchy Crafts, Gruesome Bake Sale, Decorate Deadly Cupcakes and Great Pumpkins of your very own, Face-Painting and Masquerading, Plenty of Ghoulish Games and Skullduggery Stories.

Other items:
* Note the link to the right connecting you to the current list of outside-of-the-school community service opportunities, compiled by High School Community Service Coordinator Nick Sullivan. For more information, you can call email Nick at nsullivan@lrei.org.

* Second reminder: Parents of children who receive academic support: The PA is interested in forming a parent group for parents of children who receive academic support in or out of school. This can be a place to meet, exchange information and learn more on the subject of learning style differences. If you are interested in this group please contact Lisa Auerbach at luna671@aol.com.

Take care,


* Thursday 13 School closed – Yom Kippur
* Monday 17 Katrina Benefit Concert, 6:30 PM
* Tuesday 18 Last day of 9th Grade Arts Rotation #1; High School Parent Rep Meeting
* Wednesday 19 Literary Evening, 7:00 PM
* Wednesday 19-Friday 21 Minimester
* Saturday 22 Coffeehouse!, 7:00 PM
* Tuesday 25 High School Open House, 6:30 PM
* Thursday 27 Eleventh Grade Potluck NEW DATE, 6:30 PM
* Sunday 30 Halloween Fair, 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM

As always, please browse the web site at www.lrei.org. Also, note the links to the Middle and Lower School weekly emails on the right. Please take a look at what the students in the other two divisions are up to!

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