May 21st, 2009

Upcoming Events

  • Thursday May 21st – Spring Concert 6:30 in the PAC
  • Friday May 22nd – Field Day
  • Tuesday May 26th – HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS AWARDS NIGHT 6:00PM, 145 Thompson St. (TSAC)
  • Thursday May 28th – Senior Project Presentations 6:30 in the High School
  • Friday May 29th – Senior Prom
  • Tuesday June 2nd – Senior Parent & Student meeting with Andrew and Joanne 6:30 in the HS Library
  • Thursday June 4th – Review Day – all students required to be at school
  • Thursday June 4th – Senior Banquet 6:30 PM, 145 Thompson St. (TSAC)
  • Friday June 5th – Graduation – all students must be in at 8:30 dressed in appropriate attire
  • Monday June 8th – Reading Day
  • Tuesday June 9th to Thursday June 11th- Exams
  • Friday June 12th – Last day of school
  • Please visit the calendar page at

Hello HS Families,

The weather outside is delightful, and everyone is itching to spend some time outdoors.  What a great time for  our annual day of games, buddies, and sport we call Field Day, please check the Field Day Letter for more info and Field Day colors.  Tomorrow morning, Friday, we will start at 8:30AM in the High School, and head over to Pier 40 where the whole school will meet for a touching tradition – Senior Appreciation.  Then its some quality time with our younger buddies followed by lunch.  All students need to bring their own, please no nuts or seeds! they should also bring sunscreen and hats. We will finish the day off with our usual games: soccer, ultimate frisbee, capture the flag, kickball, and touch football. Dismissal is at 1:00PM from Pier 40.

The last week has been full of excitement! The VJ (video justice) film festival last Wednesday had over 20 entrants and raised over $1500 for a variety of great charities.  The Literary Magazine’s annual Coffee House on Saturday was a great success thanks to English Teacher Jane Belton and her committee. We are so glad to have the Seniors back this week after their Senior Project internships.  Please come to the Senior Project Presentations 6:30 Thursday May 28th, here in the High School. This evening is the Spring Concert.  I have had the pleasure of hearing the rehearsals today and can tell you it will be a great show! So come to the PAC at 6:00 this evening.

We have only two weeks left in class, followed by exams. Now is the time to make sure all students are prepared for this intense time of the year. Students should speak to their Advisors and Teachers to make sure they know what is expected of them. English, History, and Science Elective sign-ups for 2009-10 rising 11th and 12th graders should be complete.  If your child has not handed in their sign-up sheet, make sure they let me know and turn it in ASAP. Art elective sign-ups for rising 10th-12th graders will take place June 2nd.  I will post the course offerings in next weeks blog.

I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.  Please drive safely, if you will be driving.



Special Announcements

  • NYU College Preview Classes are here!!! Rising 11th and 12th graders click here (NYU College Preview) to download the packet that includes all the course listing and application instructions.  The deadline is May 27th, so you MUST get your application to us ASAP!! this deadline comes from NYU, so there is NO flexibility.  Please turn in your application to Carrie Korn in the college office.
  • Our new summer experience is Summer Living –  It’s true experiential learning, and we think it will be seriously fun as well as immensely rewarding.  Read all about summer living and the  summer reading here.
  • You should have received, or will be receiving soon, next years forms and permission slips.  Please make sure you return them by the opening of school in September.

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