Coffeehouse to support GEMS, this Saturday, 7-9PM

Dear Families,

This Saturday in the PAC at Charlton Street, the High School Community Service Roundtable will be hosting a benefit for GEMS, Girls Educational and Mentoring Services.  GEMS provides absolutely critical service for girls, some as young as 12 years old, who are trafficked right here in New York City.  This group of individuals are invisible in society and completely disposable to many as they are young girls, poor girls, girls of color, undereducated girls, and it is imperative that we support GEMS as they are the only organization in New York that provides services that help girls go back to school, have the tools to participate in family life and to have hope for themselves.  This week, the Fierce and Fabulous Feminist Literature class presented startling facts about trafficking of young girls in New York City in a very moving, powerful and educational assembly.  Led by instructor Ileana Jimenez, herself one of the 40 notable feminists under 40 and Fulbright award winner, students have learned about the horrors of street life and have partnered with the Roundtable to bring Saturday’s event to the community.  The Coffeehouse will open with jazz great Reggie Workman P’11, and his band, and feature Nigerian Spoken Word Artist Yvonne Fly Onakeme Etaghere as well as the HS Jazz Band, Lisa Remar ’12 (an incredible singer!) and other student artists.  Tickets for adults are $20, for students $10.  If a student cannot pay the full amount, any donation will be accepted.  If you would like to make a donation to this cause, either baked goods for the event or a monetary donation, feel free to email me or Micah Dov Gottlieb, x 304, who is organizing the coffeehouse.

Trimester I interim grades will be available by tomorrow for all Ninth Graders, new students, and students earning B- and below in their classes. Please go to Podium to login your name and password. Here is the instructional video that demonstrates how to access information.  Further, if you would like your child’s interims mailed, please call Adria Maynor at 212-477-5316, x323.

Please note that Arts grades for Ninth Graders are final grades for the six week rotation.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding an interim grade or comment, please contact the instructor directly or your child’s advisor. Parent/Advisor conferences are on November 5, all day. Advisors will contact all families to make the appointment. You may also request to meet with any teacher on that day, as well. Please let your child’s advisor know who you would like to see.

Remember, we have six weeks before exam week, December 6-9 and interim grades reflect only a few assessments generally, given in the first few weeks of school, a huge adjustment period for all students.

All the best, Ruth

Updates and Announcements:

1.  Next week our Middle School Volleyball team will play in their last home games of the season, come out to cheer, yell, root for and support our Knights to help them on their way to the Big Apple Championship!

Monday 25th 4pm vs York Prep

Wednesday 27th 4pm vs Churchill

Thursday 28th 4pm vs City and Country

Games are held at Thompson Street Athletic Center,145 Thompson Street

Go Knights!

2.  Red is Green:  Now is a great time to go through your toy box to see what can be recycled and put to good use. The Halloween Fair committee is collecting small toys to be given away at the event.  If you have anything to recycle, please deposit them in the cauldron in the Sixth Avenue lobby.

Also, the plastic bag recycling drive continues. Did you know that approximately 500 to 1 trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide?  Did you also know that plastic bags are not biodegradable and take from 500 to 1000 years to decompose?  It would help the environment if we all used less plastic bags.  But, it is sometimes unavoidable so let’s recycle the bags we have.  We will collect clean plastic bags in the entryway of the lower school throughout October.  After that, you can bring your bags to most chain stores for collection

3.  Volunteer opportunities for high school students:

The Halloween Fair is next Saturday at the Thompson Street Gym from 2-5 PM.  The organizers could really use help with face-painting and games.  If your student is interested, please have him or her speak to Ruth.

The GO Project is looking for volunteers for their after school tutoring program on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at The Earth School (6th Street and Avenue B) from 4-5PM.  See the job description and requirements here.  To pick up an application, please see Ruth.

The LREI bookstore is looking for two students to run it regularly at the high school!  The two students would be responsible for keeping a small inventory at Charlton Street, setting up times when the store would be open (lunch period) and handling and depositing money.  Please see Ruth to volunteer.

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