Trimester II grades available March 20

Dear Families,

Today, we are celebrating the news that Olu Odibiro, ’11, will be participating in the New York University Science and Technology Entry Program at their annual student conference in Albany, March 27 through the 29th.

Despite the snow day last week that changed our schedule, Tuesday’s community service day, our last formal day for community service for the year was also a success! It was terrific to see students here making sandwiches for hours for the striking workers of the Stella D’Oro product company (they delivered them later in the evening), and to have help soundproofing our music room. We are proud of our students who take the time to connect with an organization, volunteer and give back. I hope they continue to do so in the coming months. Please see below for a service opportunity for Sunday, April 19!

On another note, grades and comments for Trimester II will be available online on “My Backpack” on Friday, March 20, by 5PM. Please check to make sure you can log on to the system successfully. If you have any problems logging on, please contact, which can assist you. If you would like your child’s grades or comments mailed, please send an email to Adria Maynor,

Once Trimester II grades are posted, families can see homework posted for Trimester III.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding a grade or comment, please contact the teacher directly, the student’s advisor, and/or class dean. Please note, teachers, advisors and class deans will be on vacation starting on Friday, March 13 at 12 noon, so a response may not come until the week of March 29, 2009. Julia Heaton will be back as 11th grade dean on March 30, when we return from break. As always, they stand ready to assist you in any way.

Speaking of March 30, we expect to see all seniors at 8:30 AM, regular time on Monday to check in with Adele, Antonio and Sarvjit. Senior Projects begin on April 1.

Finally, I wish you and your family a safe, restful, wonderful spring break. This is my last blog; for the rest of the year, watch for guest bloggers in this space. Thanks again for all of your good wishes.

While I will be in and out the first week we return from Spring Break, for those instances you would email or call me, please call or email Sarvjit Moonga, or 212-477-5316, x 405. He will be Interim Principal until June 15. You can also contact Micah Gottlieb, at x304, as he will be Assistant Principal. After mid-June, please contact Julia Heaton,, x 303 . She will be Interim Principal from June 15 through mid-November. Finally, at any point, please feel free to contact Director of LREI, Phil Kassen,, at x 213.

See you at graduation!

All the best,


*Community Service opportunity for April: On Sunday, April 19, as part of the Week of the Young Child, The Educational Alliance will be hosting its annual Literacy Fair, which promotes early literacy and learning in our community. We invite all of the children in our preschools and Head Start/Early Head Start programs to participate, and last year we were able to distribute over 1,000 donated books to over 200 children (ages 0-6). In addition to receiving free books, the children participate in a number of activities including storybook making, puppetry, face painting, improv, and arts and crafts.

We could use between 10 to 15 volunteers to staff the various stations, and I believe it would be a wonderful opportunity for high school students. The event will be held at our community center at 197 East Broadway from 11 AM to 2 PM, and we will need volunteer support from 10:30 AM to 3 PM. Please sign up at the high school with Micah or look for the list near the Community Service Roundtable calendar.

*A message from Chap, Director of Diversity and Community
Bring The Conversation Home:
Strategies for addressing challenging diversity topics your child brings home:
Socioeconomic Class Part III

Join us for the last parent diversity discussion of the year.
Monday April 6, 8:45-10:00 AM in the Sixth Avenue Cafeteria

*An Historic Folk Music Performance will take place at the high school March 28th and 29th! Please see the message from Nick O’Han about two very exciting events for the whole family taking place during Spring Break co-sponsored by LREI and the New York Folk Music Society. If your child would like to volunteer to help with this event, please email Nick directly at

*The senior class is trying to locate a space in which to hold their prom. If anyone knows of a good space for this event, or has a contact of some sort, kindly email Vio Picayo at Please respond as soon as possible, as time is running short before this late May event. Thank you.

1. From Mary Shea, if you did not receive an email and/or the phone call announcing our snow day on Monday please contact Mary Shea to update your contact information. Also let Mary know if you would like to add to or change your contact numbers or addresses. You can reach Mary at or at extension 244.

2. Update from Red is Green:

Saturday, March 28 at 8:30pm local time is Earth Hour. World Wildlife Fund is asking individuals, businesses, governments and organizations around the world to turn off their lights for one hour – Earth Hour – to make a global statement of concern about climate change and to demonstrate commitment to finding solutions. Last year, over 50 million people, representing over 400 cities on all seven continents turned out their lights in the largest climate event of all time. For more information, or to sign up to pledge to turn off all non-essential lights for Earth Hour, go to

Save the date: Wednesday, April 22 is Earth Day. When we get back from the break, look for information about LREI’s First Annual Earth Day Celebration for lower and middle school kids from 2:45-4pm in the 6th Ave. auditorium… Have a great (and green) spring break!

3. Click here for information on the April 1st Open Parents Association Meeting. All are invited.

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