Weekly Email May 11, 2006
Dear parents,
Two signature LREI High School events:
1) On Monday, May 8th at 5 PM in the cafeteria at Charlton Street, we held a reading and celebration of IE: LREI’s Literary Magazine. The magazine has poetry, prose, and visual art from students from grades 7 through 12. Five High School students and five middle school students read their works aloud. The event was beautiful and inspiring and showed Middle School and High School students, together, doing what LREI students often do best – writing and presenting. Huge kudos to faculty advisors Jane Belton (HS) and Sarah Barlow (MS), and congratulations to all writers and artists who contributed. Your copy will be mailed home shortly – keep an eye out for it!
2) This Saturday, May 13, 7:00 PM at Charlton Street, we will host the annual Human Rights Coffeehouse. Co-organized by mathematics/music teacher Micah Dov Gottlieb and the High School Human Rights Club, this will be a terrific evening of music, poetry, film and more, all with a human rights theme. Like the IE reading, a uniquely LREI event – students and faculty, from all three divisions, joined together to entertain us while inspiring us to help to make the world a better place. Please join us!
Other announcements:
* Trimester III Interim Reports will go out in the next couple of days. Because so many of our courses are project based, at least 50% of the “assessment” often happens over the last few weeks of the trimester. We always do our best to balance sending the reports in a timely fashion with waiting long enough for students to have completed a sufficient quantity of fully assessed work.
* Summer 2006 Fun-Raiser: Coming May 25, from 5 PM – 7 PM at
143 Thompson Street: A chance to have a great time, dunk yours truly and help support vital summer work! See the attached flyer for more details.
* NYU Courses: Check out the descriptions of the NYU courses for which our students (current tenth and eleventh graders) can sign up, along with a proposal form. The applications will be due to College Guidance Counselor Amy Shapiro on Tuesday, May 23rd.
* May Book Fair: The Literary Committee will have a Spring into Summer Book Fair in the Auditorium on May 25th. A selection of the optional and all of the required reading titles will be sold from 8:00AM-6:00PM. I will speak more about the required reading titles in next week’s Blog.
All the best,
* Saturday 13 Coffeehouse!
* Tuesday 16 High School Parent Rep Meeting
* Thursday 18 Spring Concert; Day 40 of Trimester III classes
* Tuesday 23 High School Sports Award Evening
* Friday 26 Field Day – No Classes
* Monday 29 School closed – Memorial Day
* Wednesday 31 Senior Project Presentation Evening
* Monday 5 Last day of Trimester III classes
* Tuesday 6-Thursday 8 Trimester III Exams/Presentations; End of Trimester II
* Thursday 8 Senior Banquet
* Friday 9 Graduation
* Monday 12-Tuesday 13 Closing days
* Tuesday 13 School closes at noon for Summer Vacation
As always, please browse the web site at www.lrei.org. Also, note the links to the Middle and Lower School weekly emails on the right. Please take a look at what the students in the other two divisions are up to!
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