Weekly Email April 6, 2006
Dear parents,
Welcome back! As the Spring gets going, a number of important events to keep in mind:
* It’s Big Auction time – tickets are going fast – make sure you purchase your ticket(s) by next week. Please inform the development office if there is a group of people who would like to sit together. Tables will accommodate ten people.
This year’s raffle prizes include a flat screen tv, dvd camcorder, digital photo lab, and much more. Raffle tickets are on sale in the lobby of both buildings or available by calling or emailing the development office. Family gatherings are a great opportunity to support LREI by selling raffle tickets. If you or your children would like tickets to sell stop by the development office before the long weekend.
Auction information and the catalog are available on the LREI website. For additional information, please contact Pippa Gerard in the Development Office, 212-477-5316.
* Once again, I have attached a workshop proposal, in .pdf format and in .doc format, for the LREI Arts Festival 2006! This year, the Arts Festival is occurring on Friday, April 28, and will involve all students from grades 8 through 12. This is an exciting day when students choose from a variety of workshops offered by faculty, friends, parents and others in and out of the LREI school community. The workshops run in the morning and are followed by an afternoon of exhibitions. For more details, please see the attachment; in particular, if you or someone you know is interested in offering a workshop, please send the form in to me by Friday, April 14.
* This Saturday – 7 PM, at Charlton Street – COFFEEHOUSE! (When I say “Coffee,” you say …). This COFFEEHOUSE will have a bit of a harder rocking theme, with some of our louder bands playing. 7-9pm; $3 students+faculty & $5 guests.
Saturday, April 8
LREI Spring Arts Project at Hudson Guild
Ages: all ages boys and girls LS through High School (COMMUNITY SERVICE CREDIT AVAILABLE)
Hours: 11am – 1:00pm
Location: Elliott Center, 441 W. 26th St (bet. 9th & 10th)
Description: LREI children and parents will make Spring Crafts to decorate the Community Center. The center is located in Chelsea and provides services and programs for young and old which help community members achieve stability and self-sufficiency. For more information, see www.hudsonguild.org
LREI contacts: Denise Adler – 917.363.3343 or Jennifer Edson – 917.740.8654
April is National Poetry Month and to celebrate this, LREI is hosting it’s annual Poem In Your Pocket Day next Tuesday, April 11. Students are encouraged to come to school with a poem tucked into their pocket, which they can read to classmates and friends. They can also stop friends in passing and ask them to share their poems or be asked to share theirs. In the High School, we will have our annual assembly dedicated to poetry and other readings.
Other upcoming events:
* The next Parent Rep meeting will be on Tuesday, April 18 at 6:30 PM.
* The next meeting of Parents of Children with Academic Needs will be on Thursday April 20th at 6:30 PM.
All the best,
* Monday 3 School reopens
* Saturday 8 Coffeehouse!
* Tuesday 11 Poem-In-Your-Pocket Day
* Thursday 13 School closed – Passover
* Friday 14 School closed – Good Friday
* Tuesday 18 High School Parent Rep Meeting
* Friday 21 School closed – High School Planning/Meetings Day
* Friday 28 High School Arts Festival
* Saturday 13 Coffeehouse!
* Tuesday 16 High School Parent Rep Meeting
* Thursday 18 Spring Concert; Day 40 of Trimester III classes
* Tuesday 23 High School Sports Award Evening
* Friday 26 Field Day – No Classes
* Monday 29 School closed – Memorial Day
* Wednesday 31 Senior Project Presentation Evening
* Monday 5 Last day of Trimester III classes
* Tuesday 6-Thursday 8 Trimester III Exams/Presentations; End of Trimester II
* Thursday 8 Senior Banquet
* Friday 9 Graduation
* Monday 12-Tuesday 13 Closing days
* Tuesday 13 School closes at noon for Summer Vacation
As always, please browse the web site at www.lrei.org. Also, note the links to the Middle and Lower School weekly emails on the right. Please take a look at what the students in the other two divisions are up to!
All attachments are in .pdf format. To view these files, please download Adobe Reader, if you do not already have it. Click on this link or paste it into your browser: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readermain.html.
If you are having trouble opening the attachments, go to http://www.lrei.org/weekly/ms/ to access the files.