Weekly Email June 2, 2005

Dear all,

In last week’s email, I wrote about how the High School Sports Awards Evening celebrated the ever-growing success of our sports program. In the seven days since then, two more evening events have highlighted where we are, and where we are going. Last Thursday, we hosted our new High School students and their families, including eighth graders who are coming over from the Bleecker Street building. Many of our current students and parents were there to help us welcome these new members of our community, and one parent – who is just now ending her 22nd and last year as a parent of a student at the school – gave an especially moving speech about what the High School has meant for her and her children.

However, last night – appropriately – belonged to the Seniors. This year’s Senior Project Evening featured so many fabulous presentations that I hesitate to single any of them out. I will say that in the weeks of the internships, our students were scientists and ad men and women and photographers and musicians and volunteer organizers and mechanics and hospital interns and editors and film historians and seamstresses and theater workers and pastry chefs and political activists and on and on and on. I am attaching here the program for the evening and the complete list of titles and mentors. Our Mission Statement begins, “Our goal is to educate students to become independent thinkers and lifelong learners and to pursue academic excellence and individual achievement, in a context of respect for others and service to the community.” Based on these projects and these presentations, we as a school can be pleased with the extent to which we have succeeded in this goal with these students. Great credit goes to the High School faculty, who worked tirelessly to help them with their papers and their presentations. But even greater credit to our students, who followed their passions and made us all very, very proud.

Important year-end reminders/announcements:

* From Phil Kassen, Director–Please be reminded that no nuts or seeds of any type are allowed on the school premises. In spite of repeated reminders over the past two years there continues to be confusion about our policy. NO nuts or seeds are allowed at any school function. This includes seeded bagels (poppy seeds, sesame seeds and bagels with everything on them) and foods such as hummus that are made with sesame past (tahini). No nuts or seeds in breads, muffins, candy, cakes, cheeses, etc. Accidental contact with these foods puts the lives of a number of members of the school community in danger.

* Parents of Seniors: The Senior Banquet is scheduled for June 9 at 6:30 PM. Because this is a formal sit-down dinner and space in the PAC is extremely limited, we will only be able to allow for two guests per Senior. If you have not already, please RSVP to Bari Buiso at 212-477-5316 x275 right away.

* Parents of Seniors, Part II: The Senior Prom is scheduled for Saturday, June 4 at 9:00 PM. If your son or daughter has not yet purchased tickets, please call Janel Frazier at 718-884-2469 or Katerina Ellingsen at 718-496-3570.

* Reminder – Families of Asian Children: A group of parents of Asian-American children will meet on Friday, June 3rd, in the 6th Ave. Cafeteria at 8:45 AM. This diverse group includes families with roots throughout Asia and the Pacific; topics of common interest include language instruction, recruitment of Asian students and cultural issues faced by our children. Parents in all divisions are invited. If you are interested but can’t attend, please e-mail parent Susie Marples at susiemarples@yahoo.com for future info.

* From PA Co-Presidents Myra Mason and Kasey Picayo: Please join the Parents Association for our “Adios Carlos” pot-luck breakfast on June 6th at 8am in the 6th Ave. cafeteria. Everyone is welcome. Bring a breakfast dish if you can. Please have your child write a note to Carlos on the blue form that was handed out last Friday in all classes (extras are available at the reception desks in both buildings). Please return the forms to reception by Friday, June 3rd. Thank you.

* LREI has joined NYC-Parents in Action, Inc., a non-profit organization founded in 1979, serving parents of children in the New York City independent schools. Parents in Action offers the following for parents:

a) FOCUS, a parenting guide, is designed to help parents communicate more effectively with their children and to prepare families to cope with critical issues facing children and adolescents in New York City today. FOCUS provides information on a variety of topics including social activities, substance abuse, and safety. The current edition of FOCUS is available on the web.

b) SEMINARS, held several times a year, offer insight from professionals in the fields of parenting, child psychology, pediatrics, and adolescent medicine. In addition, Teen Scene, an annual seminar, provides a unique opportunity to hear teens from various New York City independent schools talk about what they do, where they go, and the issues that are of particular interest to them and their peers.

c) NEWSLETTERS, published three times a year, feature coverage of NYC-Parents in Action seminars, with advice from experts on child and adolescent development, health, and the effects on children and adolescents of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. The newsletters also provide information on various NYC-Parents in Action programs and events. Current newsletters are available on the web.

d) PARENT DISCUSSION GROUPS, offer a way for parents to share ideas, experiences, and concerns with the parents of their child’s classmates. Led by trained facilitators, the discussion groups are available to parents of kindergartners through twelfth graders. Discussion groups at each participating school are scheduled by the school’s representative who serves as liaison to NYC-Parents in Action.

Ronnie Halper will be the LREI liaison to Parents in Action for the 2005-2006 school year. We have established a link from the LREI website to the Parents in Action website where newsletters and announcements of their events will be provided. Please feel free to contact Ronnie if you have any questions.

* Year-end schedule: Final exams/presentations will occur on Tuesday – Thursday June 7 – 9. Students are expected at school at 8:45 AM each day. On Friday, June 10 we will have the Trimester III Arts assembly (again, students expected at 8:45 AM), followed by lunch and then graduation at Skirball auditorium. We ask that students dress respectfully on that day (no shorts, no sandals). Students should plan on being in school on both days (Tuesday, school ends at 12:00 PM).

* Congratulations to 9th Grader Christy Rodriguez, who was the subject of the New York Cares Volunteer Spotlight for the month of May. In their write-up of Christy, the New York Cares flyer writes that, “From working with seniors, serving meals, sorting coats, to gardening, Christy can be counted upon to get the job done and with enthusiasm. Volunteering isn’t always easy, especially if there is a big job to complete and not many volunteers, but Christy has shown that nothing will stop her from doing her part!”

Take care,



Friday, June 3, 8:45 AM – Families of Asian Children, 6th Ave. Cafeteria

Tuesday, June 7 – Thursday, June 9 – Final exams/presentations

Thursday, June 9, 6:30 PM – Senior Banquet

Friday, June 10, 1:00 PM – Graduation!

As always, please browse the web site at www.lrei.org. Also, note the links to the Middle and Lower School weekly emails on the right. Please take a look at what the students in the other two divisions are up to!

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