Text Me Back & Snow Montreal (Julien, Marlowe)



Artist Statement:

These two songs are called Text Me Back and Snow Montreal, two songs that demonstrate our ability to mix vocals and sing. Text Me Back is about a story of two teenagers who can’t seem to reach out to their loved ones. This song’s intense reverb reflects our thoughts and feelings bouncing around our head, similar to vocals bouncing across a big room. Snow Montreal is about a breakup during the wintertime our sound and lyrics represent our feelings being frozen in time, like snow on a cold winter day. The instrumentals we chose encapture emotional stories that we wanted to share through music. At the beginning of the projects, we wrote lyrics and recorded our vocals. This process was the easiest part of making the songs as we had experience writing lyrics and singing in the past. All we did was play the beat on a loop as we both took turns freestyling.


Once we both freestyle melodies and lyrics, we listened back to our vocals to pick and chose the melodies and words we wanted to keep. However, mixing the songs took us out of our comfort zone. We were forced to learn how to add effects that complimented each other while continuing to try and tell our stories. We used Youtube, as well as the help of our teacher, to learn and grow during this process. Throughout the pandemic, recording and sending tracks back and forth was difficult. We used facetime and zoom to collaborate and share ideas. We also used the ability to share each other’s screens on Zoom when mixing the song, allowing us both to have equal say in what went into the final product. 



Co-written and produced by Julien and Marlowe using Pro Tools


in the studio


A look inside Pro Tools