Telephones, High & Dry (Will, Armant, Levi, Spencer)



Artist Statement:

We wanted to create music that we enjoy. We loved making these two songs because we love the original music and we wanted to see if we could replicate it with our own twist on it. For High and Dry we did a couple takes of us running through the entire song all together. Then we went home and overdubbed our parts individually.


Then for telephones we recorded our parts individually and tracked them out. We then re-recorded and cleaned up the parts, and added a chorus pad in the background for space and similarity to the original song. Then we mixed the instrumental and Armant recorded vocals, added effects, some ad-libs and oohh’s. Then… it was done.



High and Dry was originally composed by Radiohead

Armant (vocals)

Will (acoustic guitar)

Levi (bass, production)

Spencer (electric guitar)

Charlton St. Studio (drums)


Telephones was originally composed by The Vacations

Armant (vocals, production)

Levi (guitar, production)

Will (bass, production)