Sir Duke (Sam, Jonathan, Stella, Miles)




Artist Statement:

Our group decided to play Sir Duke after watching a video that explained the different parts of the song mentioned above. We thought it was fascinating how the song is centered around the B blues scale and the variations and techniques that Stevie used in its different sections.

The completed song includes drums, bass, piano, baritone saxophone, and clarinet. Since not all of us were recording in-person (or even at the same time), the total song had to be compiled through individual tracks (i.e., a backing track, clarinet part, the instrumental section from baritone saxophone, etc). Even throughout this compiling of parts, the song came together between many different tracks from many different instruments.

Another curveball the pandemic threw was the unexpected school closure of the last week of school. Because of this, people who had prepared to play at school had to figure out ways to record at home. Though many of us had inadequate equipment, we managed to finish the project through voice memos and computer microphones. We are happy with how the song turned out despite the setbacks. Overall, we struggled, fought hard, even became a little frustrated sometimes, but we managed to persevere through it all and finish the trimester with our heads held high and full of pride.



Sam (keyboards)

Jonathan (clarinet)

Stella S (baritone saxophone)

Miles B (drums)

Charlton St. Studio (bass, vocal sample, production)

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