Disorder (Henry B, Johnny, Sam, Charlie)

Artist Statement:

It was interesting being able to work with each other during the covid situation. Sometimes we were not able to pay all together, but practicing alone allowed us to improve our skills over time. Before being able to jam out together, we had to practice and work on our individual parts corresponding to the rest of the song so that we would be able to keep up with one another while playing live. For this song it was interesting for Johnny, as lots of the piano was very repetitive, but the timing of transitioning to the chorus, and the riff that was played after the transitions were challenging. As the guitarist, Henry had to learn his part while simultaneously teaching himself the guitar. This was challenging at first but as time progressed, the song helped accentuate his playing abilities.


The main verse was easiest to understand, while the chorus offered some difficulty as it was more fast paced and had more movement on the guitar. For this song, Sam took on the vocals and learned the bass part. This was not Sam’s first time dabbling with the bass but he was not a very skilled player. For the vocals Sam learned the lyrics and had to work on his diction in addition how to sound similar to how Ian Curtis sings the record. On the drums, Charlie found success playing in a new style that he was not accustomed to. The drums are a very important part of the band, keeping rhythm and holding the band together, but it was very interesting to work on a song that didn’t have such a clear arrangement. Because of this we all had to work together, signaling when the beat or melody would change and we learned a lot from that collaboration. When choosing our song, we went through multiple different options, all in similar Genres, but landed on Disorder by Joy Division because there was almost some type of spark in the air, and we knew this was the right choice for us.



Originally composed by Joy Division

Henry B (guitar)

Sam S (vocals)

Johnny (keyboards)

Charlie (drums)

Jack T & Charlton St. Studio (engineering & production)


Henry recording guitar parts, Jack T engineering the session