Project by: Ruthanne Staskowski (11th Grade), Lindsay O’Brien (11th Grade)
Project Advisor: Jessica Tan
Student(s)’s Advisor(s): Jane Belton, Kara Luce

Description of the Project:

Final Reflection on Learning: Throughout this trimester, we have been able to dive more deeply into Chinese/East-Asian culture. Although we originally started off with the intention to focus on the subject of school, we quickly realized that there was so much more that we wanted to learn about. This not only included the differences between American and Chinese school culture, but also learning about the contrast in what is considered beautiful, and how much the two cultures contrast. Jessica recommended several ways to learn about these topics, not only encouraging us to watch the show A Love So Beautiful, but also sharing with us a presentation that some of her students had previously made on plastic surgery and beauty standards in Eastern Asia. Due to this project, we were able to widen our horizons, learning about a culture both similar and different from our own. Last but not least, we would like to thank Jessica for all of the guidance and help that she offered us, we wouldn’t have been able to have had such an in-depth experience otherwise.

Update on Progress from Weeks 1-3: We have been meeting every Tuesday during lunch with our project advisor Jessica Tan to discuss in mandarin different conversational topics. Mostly we are talking about school, as we do this we think of new terms that we want to learn we have been consistently adding them to our mandarin set on Quizlet. In addition to studying on the side, we have been having conversations on our own in mandarin. Our original plan was to talk on our walk to school, but because that is not happening, we are instead texting in mandarin and talking over the phone in mandarin. Also, we have started watching a TV show in mandarin called A Love So Beautiful, and have been using this as a talking point for our conversations.

A Love So Beautiful - Wikipedia

Update on Progress from Weeks 4-6: As mentioned in the previous update, every Tuesday lunch we meet with Jessica, going over new words or phrases we have learned. Jessica prompts us with conversation starters, then letting us speak freely, only intervening if we are unable to express our thoughts accurately. During Thursday lunches, the two of us meet, using this time to continue speaking mandarin, and becoming more comfortable with the language. Other then A Love So Beautiful, some topics that we have been discussing are the differences between American schools and Chinese schools, differences in teaching, culture, relationships, etc. Recently, we have also started talking about the differences in beauty standards between Eastern Asia and America, which stemmed from a conversation about the actors’ appearances in A Love So Beautiful.

American Highschool

Chinese Highschool

Update on Progress from Weeks 7-9: These past few weeks we have moved from talking about schools in China to discussing Asian beauty standards and comparing them to the ones that we have here in America. Within this topic, some of the subtopics that we have discussed include plastic surgery, k-pop beauty standards, fat loss, makeup brands, and makeup trends. In addition to these topics, we also discussed a growing controversy about marketing makeup to younger children, many of whom are in what would be considered to be in lower school here in America. By looking into beauty standards and trends we were able to gain a unique insight into a culture different from our own, especially considering that this is a large an important part of their culture. Below are some examples of common procedures and makeup trends.

Before and after photo of a beauty Youtuber. She received a common procedure in Asia wherein they change the more common mono-lids into the rarer double eyelids.

Above: A common way of applying makeup in Asia, this is a new trend where they have a straight eyebrow.

A link to a video about marketing makeup to a much younger audience: Makeup Unboxing


2 thoughts on “Experiencing Conversational Mandarin: About School

  1. Thank you for the update! I’m looking forward to seeing more of your work!

  2. What a fantastic way for me to get to know you. I am thrilled to have discovered your blog.

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