Project by: Jack Hillyer (11th Grade)
Project Advisor: Stephen MacGillivray and Joan Jubett
Student(s)’s Advisor(s): Jessica Prohias-Gardiner
For this honors project, I filmed behind-the-scenes footage and previews of the play and edited them to make a promotional video to show to the school. In my proposal, I noted that:
This promotional video could also teach students about the historical context of The Crucible, and why a play like this is still relevant today. This promotional video can be shown through something like an assembly or on the LREI Instagram, if possible. I would also like to help Stephen with the camerawork for the play since a large portion of the play will take place off stage, and I’ve been told by Stephen that he could use help with the filming. I would also like to either help with or maybe fully take on the job of editing the video for the play.
The promo video was shown to the school during assembly and was also posted on the LREI Instagram.
For this honors project, I filmed behind-the-scenes footage and previews of the play and edit them to make promotional videos to show to the school. The promotional video was meant to teach students about the historical context of The Crucible, and why a play like it is still relevant today. This promotional video was shown during an assembly and on the LREI Instagram. I also helped Stephen with the camerawork for the play on opening night since a large portion of the play took place off stage and an extra camera was needed.
In my original plan, I also mentioned the possibility of me editing the video of the full play. However, I wasn’t able to do this because I was told it would be too much of a responsibility for me to do. I did, however, get to learn from Stephen how to edit multi-camera sequences when he showed me the process of it.
From this project, I learned how to edit multi-camera sequences and assemble equipment on my own. This was really helpful for me because, since the promotional video was shot on my own time, I had to make sure I was prepared and had a plan. This project made me more confident in working independently without getting as much supervision and help as I have had before.
Critical thinking, creativity, citizenship and courage are essential LREI learning values. Explain how you’ll draw on at least one of these values to complete your proposed project?
For this project, I will use creativity to create a promotional video that students at LREI would enjoy and will also use it to edit together different shots of the play into one video.
What is your proposed outcome? How will you be able to demonstrate successful completion of this Project? How do you plan to share your learnings with the larger LREI community (e.g., exhibit of work, poster of learnings, performance, etc.)?
My proposed outcome is to have a promotional video of The Crucible that students will enjoy and would hopefully convince some of them to attend one of the shows. Hopefully, this promotional video can be shared with the LREI community through an assembly or on one of LREI’s social media accounts, like on Instagram. I hope that this promotional video can teach students about the historical context of The Crucible, and why a play like this is still relevant today, which will hopefully convince more students to attend one of the shows.
Please provide a general outline that indicates your work plan for the trimester? What are some of the key project benchmarks (i.e., goals that will help to ensure that you finish the project)?
– Attending play practice frequently so I can gather footage and interviews for the promotional video
– Making a plan for the blocking of the play (where the actors and props go) so Stephen and I can plan where the cameras should be placed
When do you plan on meeting?
Monday X-Block
This is great!
The only thing I would suggest adding/revising:
For “Please provide a general outline that indicates your work plan for the trimester? What are some of the key project benchmarks (i.e., goals that will help to ensure that you finish the project)?”
I would add more to the outline.
Figure out:
1) For how long you’d like to shoot video and think about who you are going to interview if there are any interviews
2) Deadline for piecing together and editing footage for promo
3) Deadline for getting promo video out (needs to be around Halloween, I think)
4) Deadline for post production for the video edit.
5) Deadline for DVD rollout
Adding on to “Please provide a general outline that indicates your work plan for the trimester? What are some of the key project benchmarks (i.e., goals that will help to ensure that you finish the project)?”:
1) Who to interview: Interviewing the dramaturg and Joan (maybe the stage managers and/or lighting crew as well) and using b-roll from rehearsals.
2) How long I’d shoot video for: Interviews would take about 5-10 minutes each to film. For b-roll, I can shoot during rehearsals for about 30 minutes to an hour (going once a week or so).
3) Deadline for finishing promo video edit: October 25th
4) Deadline for getting promo video out: October 29th
5) Deadline for post-production for the video edit: December 2nd
6) Deadline for DVD rollout: December 13th
Looks good.
Jack, can you add the updates in your comment to the body of the post? Thanks,
Sure, I just added it now! Sorry about that.