Project by: Emma Diamond (11th Grade)
Project Advisor: Daniel Li
Student(s)’s Advisor(s): Shauna Finn

Description of the Project:

This project is a study of various neurodevelopmental disorders. I will research the neuroscience of symptoms and treatments. I will compare different neurodevelopmental disorders by examining the neurotransmitters and brain regions they affect. I want to take this on because I recently finished the neuroscience class and am interested in learning more about mental illness and why they occur.

Final Product:

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Final Poster

Final Reflection on Learning:

Throughout this project, I continued to learn more about neuroscience, specifically in relation to neurodevelopmental disorders. One main takeaway that I have is that many of these disorders are not well understood; there is a lot more research to be done. This project also helped me to improve my research skills. In order to get significant information, I had to read scientific papers. Before this project, I had a hard time understanding papers like this; however, after doing this research I am better able to understand.

Update on Progress from Weeks 1-3 (include any photos or video if relevant): 

During the first three weeks of my project, I did research on ADHD. I watched videos and read articles about symptoms, treatments, neurological explanations, and genetics. After collecting enough research, I created a poster to display what I have learned. I met with Daniel every week to discuss my progress.

Click the link below in order to view my poster.


Update on Progress from Weeks 4-6 (include any photos or video if relevant):

During the second three weeks of my project, I did research on Dyslexia. I read articles about symptoms, neurological causes, genetic explanations, and treatments. I also talked to people with Dyslexia that I know about their experiences. I created a poster about what I learned. I met with Daniel every week to ask questions about what I read and to get feedback about my poster. I made edits on my poster so that it is more understandable to the average reader.

Click the link below to view my poster.


Update on Progress from Weeks 7-9 (include any photos or video if relevant):

During the final three weeks of my project, I did research on Autism Spectrum Disorder. I learned about treatments, symptoms, possible causes, and contributing genes. One takeaway is that Autism Spectrum Disorder is not nearly completely understood. There are still many questions to answer. I also did research on Dr. Temple Grandin, an scientist, educator, and advocate for autistic people (she is an autistic person herself). I continued to meet with Daniel every week to discuss my progress. I also made a poster to share my work.

Click the link below to view my poster.

Autism Spectrum Disorder 

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