Project by: Cecily Wizner (9th Grade)
Project Advisor: Sarvjit Moonga
Student(s)’s Advisor(s): Ashley Suan

Description of the Project:

My idea is a cookbook, in pamphlet form, printed with a sewn binding (I have a sewing machine and have been making my own clothes and taking sewing classes). It would be filled with recipes from the LREI community, and the stories behind them as I have previously mentioned. I will start by collecting recipes, via google form that I send out to the whole school, and then put them together along with Sarvjit in a way that makes sense – I can look through cookbooks for inspiration of ways for the layout. The LREI community will have access to the pamphlets, and Sarvjit and I will brainstorm how many to make, and if needed provide digital copies although the physical ones will be nicer.

Final Product (e.g., documents, images, video, audio, poster, display, etc.):

My idea is a cookbook, in pamphlet form, printed with a sewn binding. It would be filled with recipes from the LREI community, and the stories behind them as I have previously mentioned.

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Final Reflection on Learning:

My project will demonstrate citizenship, because I’m creating something for the LREI community to both incorporate their recipes and the stories behind them, and to use in their daily lives. Students and teachers will be able to explore recipes from different cultures all tied together by our school community.

Update on Progress from Weeks 1-3 (include any photos or video if relevant):

I have created a google form that I will send out to the entire school by this week. Once I start collecting answers, I will narrow down replies with Sarvjit, and reach out to any people that I need to. I will start creating the actual book, and I have already planned out the format. Once the form is sent out, the project will mostly consist of putting everything together.

Update on Progress from Weeks 4-6 (include any photos or video if relevant):

I have sent the form out to the school and have begun collecting recipes. I have starting formatting the recipes together and I am currently working on the document. I am about to begin to create the physical book and print the recipes out, and then put everything together.

Update on Progress from Weeks 7-9 (include any photos or video if relevant):

I have finished collecting recipes, and have spent time formatting the final product. I have printed the pages out and assembled them into a book. I sewed the bindings of the books and they are now completed.

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