Project by: Clara Cornick (9th Grade), Dylan Steel (9th Grade)
Project Advisor: Antonio Valle
Student(s)’s Advisor(s): Jeanette Ng, Shafeiq Baksh

Description of the Project:

Throughout this project, we wanted to gain an understanding of what makes people trust the system of Astrology and how it has accumulated power in people’s lives. We learned that astrology claims to predict information and events based upon the position of the stars and the movement of the planets. We wanted the people that view our project to understand the purported connection between their astrology sign and inherent attributes associated with it. We developed a basic understanding of what astrology is and how people compare themselves to the traits associated with their zodiac sign. 

We have studied the origins of astrology and learned it was made in ancient times as a way for people to predict the outcomes of certain events and things that affected their lives. It gave answers and helped people to make sense of what was happening to them. It provided hope to some and explained misfortunes. We put research into a listing of astrological signs and characteristics that correlate with them, as well as created a chart dedicated to tarot card reading. Tarot cards are another method that people use to try to learn about the past, present, and future. We have also made a poster summarizing our intentions and findings of the project. We have all of these papers linked in the document below.

Astrological beliefs in correspondence with celestial observations and terrestrial events have influenced various aspects of human history, including world-views, language and many elements of social culture.There is no proof of a true connection or that astrology is accurate in any way, but it provides solace to people looking for answers.

Final Product (e.g., documents, images, video, audio, poster, display, etc.):

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Final Reflection on Learning:


Update on Progress from Weeks 1-3 (include any photos or video if relevant):

So far this trimester we have interacted with people through a poll to detect some important information. The questions that was asked through the poll do you relate to your zodiac sign? We will continue to observe more information as the trimester progresses. However, for now I have spoken about what are goals will be for this upcoming project.

Participants: 31 people
Does Relate To Their Zodiac: 23 people
Doesn’t Relate To Their Zodiac: 8 people
Ratio: 23 – 8

Astrology has impacted a lot of people’s lives in different ways. It has become extremely relevant more recently and is influencing people’s decisions in everyday life. We want to see how much of an impact Astrology has on everyday life and how it places itself in people’s thought process. Along with that we want to see how people compare themselves to their Astrology sign and how the description of their sign is weirdly accurate and relates to them.

Our proposed outcome is to have the understanding of what makes people trust the system of Astrology so much, and how it has so much power in people’s lives. We want the people that view our project to understand why people have such a close connection with their Astrology sign. We will demonstrate this by making a podcast, or poster and showing charts of information and evidence we have gathered on our case.

Update on Progress from Weeks 4-6 (include any photos or video if relevant):

Update on Progress from Weeks 7-9 (include any photos or video if relevant):

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