Project by: Harvey Van Blerkom (11th Grade), Elijah Harris (11th Grade), Miles Friedman (11th Grade)
Project Advisor: Joy Piedmont
Student(s)’s Advisor(s): Catherine, Charlene and James

Description of the Project:

We want to continue the podcast that has now been going on in LREI for 5 years, and we would want this podcast to be an outlet for sports news at LREI for years to come, and hopefully have younger students take on this podcast in the future. Our podcast would be about the American sports scene, covering news, game outcomes, predictions, and social justice stands across the leagues. We want to post a podcast every other week, about the sports atmosphere. We want to take this on to start a conversation inside of LREI about the very important time in sports, with COVID and all of the powerful impact the sports world is having with this crucial time for racial justice.

Final Product:


Final Reflection on Learning:

This podcast has been continuing for the last five years here at LREI. This trimester, we used this podcast to discuss American Sports and connect it to these very unique times regarding the pandemic. We talked about surprising scores starting with the 2021 Super Bowl, and also discussed the future outlook on sports regarding free agency, trade deadlines, and the COVID-19 Pandemic. Throughout this trimester, we continued to learn about what it takes to create an enjoyable podcast for our listeners to experience, through better editing techniques and more tailored content per episode.

Update on Progress from Weeks 1-3 (include any photos or video if relevant):

Over the first couple of weeks, we recorded an episode, and thought about how, and if we wanted to progress in this project, and how we would want to change the work that we do in the upcoming trimester or year.

Update on Progress from Weeks 4-6 (include any photos or video if relevant):

We recorded an additional episode, on the Super Bowl. We recorded another episode, but ultimately decided not to post it, because we wanted to keep the quality of our work strong.

Update on Progress from Weeks 7-9 (include any photos or video if relevant):

We recorded a final podcast, and edited it in much stronger fashion. Over this trimester, we’ve learned a lot about ourselves as podcasters, and have really enjoyed the work we’ve done.

Update from Trimester 1

Final Product (e.g., documents, images, video, audio, poster, display, etc.):

We want to get more listeners from school for our podcast, because we want to use this project as a way to teach the school about the current events in sports. We want to publish 30 minute long, well done podcasts, that reflect both our understanding of podcasting, as we took a class over the summer on podcasting, as well as the actual content of our podcast. We want to put out our best work to get the most interest from potential listeners. 

Final Reflection on Learning:

This trimester, we developed our podcast skills and grew as creators. We worked to incorporate new topics into our podcast and began to share it along with the school community through our teachers and friends. We had problems that were solved easily, and in the future we are aiming to include guests with expertise in certain fields on our podcasts to strengthen the quality of each episode we produce.

Update on Progress from Weeks 1-3 (include any photos or video if relevant):

The first three weeks recording our podcast have gone by in a blur. We have been honing in on editing skills, to maximize the formality of our podcasts. We have recorded two episodes, and met multiple times with Joy to look at the future, and how to best help the podcast grow now. We want to either establish a Patreon, or share our podcast with the rest of the school, or the teachers, to expand our listener base.

Update on Progress from Weeks 4-6 (include any photos or video if relevant):

We recorded an additional two podcasts, and look to continue the progress that we have been making so far. We recorded with Cameron once, which added a new perspective and was great, and began to finally share what we have been working on with our teachers.

Update on Progress from Weeks 7-9 (include any photos or video if relevant):

Some others have listened to the podcast, and our viewership is growing significantly. We are trying to monetize this podcast to make up for the cost of the RSS feed, since we don’t want to spend our money on a podcast, when we could recoup that in other ways.

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