Project by: Solomon Karpati (11th Grade)
Project Advisor: James French
Student(s)’s Advisor(s): Frank Portella
Description of the Project:
During the first trimester of this project, I have created 3 separate concept pieces, each with their own specific utility towards the final illustration of Jupiter. This project will be continued in the third trimester.
Final Reflection on Learning:
During the project so far I personally think that my skills in illustration as an artist have improved, as well as my capability for planning and executing an art piece.
Update on Progress from Weeks 1-3 (include any photos or video if relevant):
During the first 3 weeks I planned out my very first concept of Jupiter.
As you can see in this concept, I mainly focused on the most well known part of Jupiter, the Great Red Spot. THis illustration was done on baje textured paper. My goals with this piece were to: Learn to illustrate and depict the movement of gas and clouds, as well as learning to create dimension in the subtle form of that gas using color.
Update on Progress from Weeks 4-6 (include any photos or video if relevant):
During these weeks, I planned out and finished another concept, with different goals in mind.
This concept was different than the first, being drawn on black paper, and on a smaller scale. This paper was not textured, and the hue of the paper actually changed some of the yellows to a more greeenish tint. My thoughts going into this concept were to attempt to simplify the illustration of the clouds, and to test the limit of detail on a smaller scale.
Update on Progress from Weeks 7-9 (include any photos or video if relevant):
For my final concept, I took a different route to exploring the illustration of Jupiter.
In my attempt to find a good medium for this project, I discovered a textured yet matte baje paper (with the help of James), that gave a lot of depth to the color being shown. Since this was going to be my last concept, I thought it would be a good idea to make the scale larger than before, in order to move towards doing a full piece. My goals during this concept were to: experiment with a wider color scheme (specifically a cooler color scheme), as well as attempting to encompass a larger amount of the drawing.