Project by: Samuel Beacher (9th Grade), Charlie Cloud (9th Grade)
Project Advisor: Joy Piedmont
Student(s)’s Advisor(s): Sergei Mikhelson, Sandra Ramirez

Description of the Project: Learning how to use swift and working on creating a quiz app called Quizzle.

Final Reflection on Learning:

We don’t know if we will continue this next year yet, but we feel that we have done well considering the circumstance of this trimester. Even through this pandemic we felt that we did our best with our limited tools and knowledge. This is another reason to continue this next year, and expand our knowledge of swift. Our end goal is of course to have the app on the app store, but even just a working prototype would be incredible. Throughout the roadblocks between versions of swift and errors of code, we have both learned an incredible amount about app development in not only swift, but any language and operating system. We want to thank Joy for her help with the development of the app, we are calling Quizzle.

Update on Progress from Weeks 1-3 (include any photos or video if relevant):

Overall, we have had a good first three weeks working on our app. We have found a helpful video which is allowing us to be able to actually test the app, instead of constantly running into errors we do not know how to fix. There are a few things that are yet to run including the startup page but we can simulate the app meaning there are no huge holes in the code. It can be difficult due to the differences in updates of Xcode as we look towards other sources but we are doing our best. We hope to have our first question completely up and running by week 6.

Update on Progress from Weeks 4-6 (include any photos or video if relevant):

Going into the final weeks of the project we are happy to say we have successfully ran the app. It still doesn’t function as supposed to, but the progress made to remove the bugs of the code is big progress. We have analyzed and used code from various videos and resources to create a functioning outline for our code due to our lack of experience of using Swift. The next big step is to create at the minimum a rough prototype of our game to hopefully have something that functions by the end of the year. But for now, we are proud of the work we have done so far.

Update on Progress from Weeks 7-9 (include any photos or video if relevant):

At the end of this year, we feel that we have made a ton of progress. We have finally finished our main screens so all that is left to do is add more code. We ran into some issues due to the updates of swift compared to some code we were looking at, but we are happy where the app is right now. If we are going to continue this next year then we know what we would need to work on and a goal to reach.


Trimester 2 Update:

Update on Progress from Weeks 1-3 (include any photos or video if relevant):

Through these first weeks, we have laid out a solid plan of what we would like our app to be. We have decided on a quiz that will be built on basic knowledge. So far, we are halfway through the book on learning swift and have a lot of the basic knowledge necessary so far. In the coming weeks, we hope to be finished with the book and possibly start building the app.

Update on Progress from Weeks 4-6 (include any photos or video if relevant):

After these two weeks, we are finally starting to build the app. We have finished the book and know a good amount of the basic knowledge to start writing. We are a bit confused about how to implement some aspects of our question app into the final project but we will soon figure these out. By week 7 we hope to have done enough code for an app that can return an answer after input by the player. Since it took until now to finish the book, we believe it would be good to find a stopping point at the end of this trimester so we can continue to build the app through the next trimester.

Update on Progress from Weeks 7-9 (include any photos or video if relevant):

As this trimester ends, we have made sure that we are ready to start on our project once we get back from spring break. We have created a project that we can both access and edit, as well as writing the code for the actual question and answering mechanics. When we get back from break, we will learn how to display the app as well as making the app ready to play by at least ourselves. We have both agreed on the point where we are as a good point to stop for this trimester as well as look into the future of our app.



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