Project by: Harvey Van Blerkom (10th Grade), Eli Harris (10th Grade), Miles Friedman (10th Grade) and T1/T2 Cameron Krakowiak (12th Grade)
Project Advisor: Joy
Student(s)’s Advisor(s): Joy Piedmont, Charlene Cruz-Cerdas, James French. 

Trimester 3:

Description of the Project:

With Cameron, the leader of the podcast leaving, Eli and I had to find someone to be his replacement for Trimester 3. After our search, we landed with Miles Friedman, and the three of us began to record our podcasts. We needed to create a new RSS link, and a goal of ours was to publish our podcast on Spotify and iTunes, which we had completed very quickly (If you search “The Clubhouse Sports Podcast, Reinvented” on either, you should get that result). We were determined to make a new logo, and we did. We had some difficulties recording episodes on Zoom, with lag and background noise, but we recorded to the best of our ability during these circumstances.

Final Product (e.g., documents, images, video, audio, poster, display, etc.):

Here are the links to our podcasts on our 2 main streaming platforms:


Final Reflection on Learning:

Ultimately, this trimester taught the three of us a lot more than we thought. We learned a lot more than just how to podcast. We had to overcome a lot of obstacles this trimester that we wouldn’t normally have to deal with. Normally, it is easy to record a podcast, for a multitude of reasons. For one, we enjoy each other’s company, and 2, we enjoy recording podcasts, and 3, we all are together every weekday. While the first 2 reasons remained true this trimester, the third one proved to be the biggest challenge that we had to face over the course of Trimester 3. But this only covers the aspect of recording the podcast. In reality, the challenges that we faced were much larger. With no sports, recording sports podcasts are very challenging. We had to be creative talking about the limited quantity of news at any given time. Things we did to make sure our content was interesting included, less podcasts than we initially intended, and more in-depth looks at what we would normally just skim over. Overall, this trimester was a time for us to really have to overcome adversity, something that as a podcasting team we hadn’t had to do.

Update on Progress from Weeks 1-3 (include any photos or video if relevant):

We recorded our first podcast during this time. We got a bit of a late start because we had to reassess continuing the project even though we’d have to record from different locations. We hope to see the project grow further when we publish on Spotify, the three of us agreed that Spotify is the most used site for Podcasts, in our personal lives.

Update on Progress from Weeks 4-6 (include any photos or video if relevant):

The news has been incredibly slow in terms of sports these past weeks, so again, we were only able to record one episode, but we took the time with less recording to try to make our podcast into the best way possible. We have published our podcast on Spotify, and you can now find the two episodes here. We think that these podcasts have been our best so far, and the content in them has been as advanced as we have ever had. We have a new link to find the podcast on iTunes now, which is here.

Update on Progress from Weeks 7-9 (include any photos or video if relevant):

As a group, we have faced the same difficulties with this project this whole trimester due to COVID-19. There have been times where we wanted to record a podcast, but it just didn’t work out because a WiFi was out, or other general issues that came about when trying to record a podcast remotely.

Trimester 2:

Description of the Project:

In this project, Cameron, Eli and I sought to develop and share our knowledge of sports and participate in our shared love of podcasting. Continuing this project from Trimester 1 gave us a good starting point, but I think that in Trimester 2, the project made tremendous strides. We created new forms to share our podcasts, and a Patreon account, to help cover the cost of creating a Soundcloud account. In addition, we recorded in better settings for audio, tried to keep all of our voices equal, and started creating outlines of topics, and brainstorming ideas before we actually recorded an episode.

Final Product (e.g., documents, images, video, audio, poster, display, etc.):

We have a fully completed podcast now that you can find on iTunes, Soundcloud, or through our Patreon, by searching “The Clubhouse Sports Podcast”


Final Reflection on Learning:

The three of us have always loved sports. Working as a trio proved to be a bit of a challenge. We all had very different schedules, so it was nearly impossible to find a time during the school day to record. During this project, however, the three of us became significantly closer, and determined that doing a podcast during our valuable weekend time, would be something that we would really like to do. We started developing new strategies that we can carry over to the future. Recording 2 episodes on one day, one short feature episode highlighting specific events going on in the sports world, and one of our normal podcasts, a roundup of the last week and look into the next one, and maybe beyond. I think over the past trimester, we have learned the lesson that the best work is done when you really want to do it, and not just because you “have” to. We look forward to carrying the project on to the next trimester, and making our podcast more professional, and adding new aspects to how it will function, such as live Q & A’s or our own live broadcast of a sporting event.

Update on Progress from Weeks 1-3 (include any photos or video if relevant):

We have started to record podcast episodes, and they have gone really well so far. Something that we need to work on improving is our pre-recording outlines, but our sound seemed to be really well executed.

Update on Progress from Weeks 4-6 (include any photos or video if relevant):

We have continued to record our podcasts, and our actual podcasts seem to be the best they’ve ever been. We recorded some episodes at Harvey’s house, to allow for a better sounding podcast, with less background noise, and it seems that this has been beneficial to the podcast.

Update on Progress from Weeks 7-9 (include any photos or video if relevant):

As the trimester has come to a close, we have found some difficulty recording podcasts, with busy schedules, and lack of events to talk about. The outbreak of COVID-19 has slowed the sports world, and at this stage, we don’t know enough about the long term impacts to share our opinions on The Clubhouse.


Trimester 1 Update:

Like last year, I set out to create a weekly podcast with new hosts, Harvey and Eli. We hoped to focus on the current issues in the Sports World. As well as learning and continuing to upload our content on platforms. Unlike last year’s goal to make a website, we’ve decided for this trimester to at least upload our podcasts to a platform (apple podcasts). Last year we completed 7, 15-45 minute podcasts which was our goal per trimester this year we hope for it to be the same. We would like to do 8 podcasts per trimester, each around 30 minutes long. We hope to improve our communication skills this year, including talking to other sports followers in and around the school.

Week 7-9 (Dec 14)

We have grown tremendously recently, as we have expanded to iTunes, and our SoundCloud has grown. In addition, we renamed the podcast, to “The Clubhouse Sports Podcast.” We have created podcasts for only our patrons, donators through Patreon, and have shown others where to listen to our Podcast. We are very excited for the future of our podcast, and what we have in store for Trimester 2 and beyond.

Week 4-6 (Nov 2)

As a group, we have started bonding more and more, and have been more comfortable asking more of each other. This has translated into a more successful experience, for us, as well as our listeners, as it shows more of our true character. We have continued meeting with Joy, and have moved rooms. We plan on creating a patreon to help fund our endeavors in the future.

Week 1-3 (Oct 16)

Our Sports Podcast has started off really well. We have recorded a couple of episodes, and they seem to have gone fairly well. We will work on making the podcasts more professional, through pre-recording notes. We have met with our project mentor, Joy, and developed more advanced methods to make our project better. We plan on recording in a new and improved location, with less outside noise.



Critical thinking, creativity, citizenship and courage are essential LREI learning values. Explain how you’ll draw on at least one of these values to complete your proposed project?

We’re going to build upon our critical thinking skills, because our show will be partly scripted, which will make sure that we draw upon our critical thinking skills to discuss very interesting topics that many people are very opinionated on. We believe that our opinions will conflict within our group, and that will help us improve our skills in debating. We hope that many of the citizens of the LREI community will listen in to our podcast and come up to us or comment/ask questions about topics that we discuss. We look forward to adding to the topics that were discussed last year.

What is your proposed outcome? How will you be able to demonstrate successful completion of this Project? How do you plan to share your learnings with the larger LREI community (e.g., exhibit of work, poster of learnings, performance, etc.)?

Our proposed outcome is to be able to create an educational and entertaining podcast for all viewers to enjoy. Our goal is to create as many of these as we can, hopefully 7-10 per trimester. Our finished product will be available for all to listen to. We look forward to speaking with the listeners and being able to answer any questions they may have.

Please provide a general outline that indicates your work plan for the trimester? What are some of the key project benchmarks (i.e., goals that will help to ensure that you finish the project)?

1. Meet every week with Harvey and Eli and record
2. 8 episodes
3. Change and find a creative name for the podcast
4. Publish on iTunes

When do you plan on meeting?
Every month, depending if we need help with any of our episodes.

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