Project by: Jack Schnall (10th Grade)
Project Advisor: Jessica Prohias Gardiner
Student(s)’s Advisor(s): Jessica Prohias Gardiner
My goal was to make a short movie with clips of interviews of people talking on the subject of whether college athletes should be paid. I set out to explain these views and my own opinion that they shoudl be paid. I took this on because I love college football and basketball and this was a good way for me to learn more about the business aspect of collegiate sports.
Trimester 3 Reflection:
This trimester, I took all of the clips that I found in Trimester 2 and edited them in Final Cut Pro. After making different sections, I added titles and name tags. Next, I wrote a script for myself. I then recorded myself and edited the videos into each section, to sum up what was said. I have learned about all points of view on this topic, and after deeply thinking about each one, I have come up with my own opinion.
Trimester 2 Reflection:
This trimester, I did lots of research about this topic. I learned that the athletes believe they should at least be able to receive endorsements because they are not allowed to make money in any way while playing. The schools’ view is that giving the players a scholarship is their way of paying them. They also believe that playing in the NCAA is amateurism which doesn’t count as being a professional. NBA and NFL’s view is where it gets very controversial. Some people agree with the players, while other’s believe that college athletes should be paid a salary or get endorsements. I have found interviews and articles from all of these sides and have started working on putting it together in a movie.
Please write a description of the project you are proposing. Why do you want to take this on, and what do you hope to learn?
I will make a short movie with clips of interviews of people talking on the subject. I will then talk about the relevance and why I think they should be paid. I want to take this on because I love college football and basketball and this is a good way for me to learn more about the business aspect of collegiate sports.
Critical thinking, creativity, citizenship and courage are essential LREI learning values. Explain how you’ll draw on at least one of these values to complete your proposed project?
I use critical thinking in this project because I will research both sides of whether the players should earn money or not and come to my own opinion.
What is your proposed outcome? How will you be able to demonstrate successful completion of this Project? How do you plan to share your learnings with the larger LREI community (e.g., exhibit of work, poster of learnings, performance, etc.)?
I will make a short film using clips of interviews and pictures and my own voice on this topic.
Please provide a general outline that indicates your work plan for the trimester? What are some of the key project benchmarks (i.e., goals that will help to ensure that you finish the project)?
I will first do research and find articles and videos which I will save in a google doc. Next, I will start to edit the clips of interviews and other videos into iMovie or another app for movie making. Lastly, I will record myself talking and incorporate it into the movie.
When do you plan on meeting?
X-block on Tuesdays
Project by: Jack Schnall (10th Grade)
Project Advisor: Jessica Prohias Gardiner
Student(s)’s Advisor(s): Jessica Prohias Gardiner
Please write a description of the project you are proposing. Why do you want to take this on, and what do you hope to learn?
I will make a short movie with clips of interviews of people talking on the subject. I will then talk about the relevance and why I think they should be paid. I want to take this on because I love college football and basketball and this is a good way for me to learn more about the business aspect of collegiate sports.
Critical thinking, creativity, citizenship and courage are essential LREI learning values. Explain how you’ll draw on at least one of these values to complete your proposed project?
I use critical thinking in this project because I will research both sides of whether the players should earn money or not and come to my own opinion.
What is your proposed outcome? How will you be able to demonstrate successful completion of this Project? How do you plan to share your learnings with the larger LREI community (e.g., exhibit of work, poster of learnings, performance, etc.)?
I will make a short film using clips of interviews and pictures and my own voice on this topic.
Please provide a general outline that indicates your work plan for the trimester? What are some of the key project benchmarks (i.e., goals that will help to ensure that you finish the project)?
I will first do research and find articles and videos which I will save in a google doc. Next, I will start to edit the clips of interviews and other videos into iMovie or another app for movie making. Lastly, I will record myself talking and incorporate it into the movie.
When do you plan on meeting?
In advisory on Tuesdays