Project by: George Nicholas Boulukos (10th Grade)
Project Advisor: Susan Now
Student(s)’s Advisor(s): Ann Carrol

For this honors project I hoped to learn about how to improve my skills in large format photography. I want to expand my skills in all forms of film photography while also being able to learn about how to capture my city. Large Format photography is one of the oldest ways of taking pictures and it requires the photographer to ably their knowledge of horizontal and vertical shifts and vertical and horizontal swings which are unique to large format photography. 


This project taught me dozens of technical skills for large format photography, however the most important thing that I learned was to be more patient. Each step of this process (exposing, developing and printing large format film) taught me to slow down, often times when I would rush images would not come out the way I wanted. Being able to slow down for a photograph taught me that the sacrifice of time and effort was completely worth the quality of the images.




Please write a description of the project you are proposing. Why do you want to take this on, and what do you hope to learn?

For this honors project I am hoping to learn about how to improve my skills in large format photography. I want to expand my skills in all forms of film photography while also being able to learn about how to capture my city.

Critical thinking, creativity, citizenship and courage are essential LREI learning values. Explain how you’ll draw on at least one of these values to complete your proposed project?

Large Format photography is one of the oldest ways of taking pictures and it requires the photographer to ably their knowledge of horizontal and vertical shifts and vertical and horizontal swings which are unique to large format photography. It will require me to use critical thinking to determine how the film plane and subject plane intersect to create specific focal points.

What is your proposed outcome? How will you be able to demonstrate successful completion of this Project? How do you plan to share your learnings with the larger LREI community (e.g., exhibit of work, poster of learnings, performance, etc.)?

I am hoping to have a collection of finished prints and a showing some where in the school(preferably the third or fourth floor near a window for natural light)

Please provide a general outline that indicates your work plan for the trimester? What are some of the key project benchmarks (i.e., goals that will help to ensure that you finish the project)?

I will spend the first half of the trimester shooting and developing a large body of work (hoping to have 20-30 exposures) and then I will create contact sheets and final fiber prints and refine the 20-30 pictures I took into a a series of hopefully 10-15 pictures.

When do you plan on meeting?
Tuesday X-block

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