Project by: Jaquelin Adler (11th Grade)
Project Advisor: Daniel Li
Student(s)’s Advisor(s): Shafeiq
For this project, I wanted to further expand my knowledge about how DNA sequencing works. I wanted to better understand my own DNA, my birth mother’s DNA, and my adoptive mother’s DNA and compare the genetic similarities and difference.
What we did during our meetings:
At our first meeting, we did an overview of what I wanted to conquer and I showed Daniel the two materials that I had, my 23 and me test, and my maternal genetic test from my birth mother. As our sessions began we reviewed earlier material that we learned in my anatomy class – DNA and DNA sequencing. I began to learn what an STR (short tandem repeat) and SNP(single nucleotide polymorphism) are and analyzed that with the original material I brought in. From there I learned about chromosomes and how to read them as well as finding a specific location on the chromosome with a given marker (my birth mother maternal test). Then in the following weeks after that, we talked about what my maternal genetic test meant and what the numbers on the spreadsheet I created meant. Within this, I tried to figure out how to connect the markers with genes but unfortunately, I couldn’t do that. I actually called the company to see if I could find anything within the test, but it was just markers that were passed down from my birth mother to me. Because of this blockage in my project, Daniel and I thought it would be a good idea to focus on DNA sequencing and inheritance. We then compared my 23 and me test with my adoptive mother and looked specifically on haplogroups and the origins of our ancestors. We also looked at differences in our SNP’s for different chromosomes. Then in our last meeting, we talked about how I was going to put everything together into a share. I believe I will be showing a poster, however, I might want to write a paper(an overview) just for myself instead of just having a bunch of notes.
Reflection after finishing the project:
Although I didn’t periodically reflect, I feel as if I couldn’t until I completed my project. My original outcome of this project was to learn to identify different regions of DNA and how proteins work and how they alter someone’s life. Now that my project is completed, I feel somewhat more involved with my heritage while also conquering something that I wanted to further learn about. However, throughout my project we had some issues of comparing my birth mother and adoptive mothers DNA, me and Daniel, thought it would be better to expand on what was given in the original materials that I provided. Because this project tied in with my personal life – I felt really engaged and more intensity induced. I was very distant from my DNA and birth family and even though I didn’t figure out anything or any relations, I learned more about myself through the power of DNA and 23 and me.
Here below is my final outcome of what I further learned about DNA as well as my adoptive and birth mother with the given material that I had access to:
My Original Proposal:
Project by: Jaquelin Adler (11th Grade)
Project Advisor: Daniel Li
Student(s)’s Advisor(s): Shafeiq
Please write a description of the project you are proposing. Why do you want to take this on, and what do you hope to learn?
I want to propose a project that would be expanding and identifying different regions of DNA. We touched on DNA lightly in class and I would like to further expand my knowledge about how DNA sequencing works. This would allow me to go through my own DNA, my birth mothers, and my adoptive mothers and compare the difference genetics.
Critical thinking, creativity, citizenship and courage are essential LREI learning values. Explain how you’ll draw on at least one of these values to complete your proposed project?
I thought this was a creative idea because not only does it include ideas that I want to further my knowledge in during college but it relates to me on a personal level. It took me a lot of courage to do this and it’s making me step out of my comfort zone.
What is your proposed outcome? How will you be able to demonstrate successful completion of this Project? How do you plan to share your learnings with the larger LREI community (e.g., exhibit of work, poster of learnings, performance, etc.)?
The outcome of this project would be learning how to identify different regions of DNA and how proteins work, including introns and exons and how to read and modify them. I would also like to learn more about my birth mother and what genetics were passed down to me. At the end of the project, I will want to write down everything that I learned and track my process. Perhaps a log book and an overall short paper would be shared with everyone.
Please provide a general outline that indicates your work plan for the trimester? What are some of the key project benchmarks (i.e., goals that will help to ensure that you finish the project)?
For our weekly meet up, I will have done outside research on different DNA areas such as different proteins and which ones are used in DNA. This will also include mutations and how to identify them. Then slowly piece it together to get the bigger part of the project which is taking a Raw file of my mother and my own DNA along with my birth mother and compare and identify areas that overlap.
When do you plan on meeting?
Thursday’s during x-block
Super cool, Jaquie! Approved.
This project is approved. I spoke with Jaquie twice prior to submitting the form, and it is a unique and exciting idea. During this project, she will lean many more details about DNA and genetics than were covered in her biology class as she has outlined above. I am excited to work with her this trimester.