Project by: Weston Delacey (12th Grade)
Project Advisor: Susan Now
Student(s)’s Advisor(s): Margaret

In this project, I wanted to both further expand my knowledge of the art as well as build up my portfolio. I have a good understanding of photography, but wanted to focus more on manual settings and become more accustomed to playing with individual settings and composition.


While this project began with the aim of learning more about individual settings and functions of a camera, it evolved to help me significantly with my portfolio for applying to colleges this fall. I organized some of my best photos from the previous few years and put them together writing descriptions for each. I used our project’s meeting time to discuss which photos would be most effective.



Please write a description of the project you are proposing. Why do you want to take this on, and what do you hope to learn?

I want to take on a photo honors project to both further expand my knowledge of the art as well as build up more of my portfolio for applying to colleges. I have a good understanding of photography but want to focus more on manual settings and become more accustomed to playing with individual settings and composition.

What is your proposed outcome? How will you be able to demonstrate successful completion of this Project?

My outcome is to become more comfortable with camera settings and expand my portfolio. I can demonstrate this in showing my work and progress throughout the trimester.

When do you plan on meeting?


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