Project by: Rose (11th Grade)

Faculty Advisor: Susan Now

My original goal for this honors project was to develop a photography portfolio. While I still intend to do this, I decided to focus on the aspects of photography that I am passionate about. When I printed the photos I had taken over the summer, I was most excited about the ones that documented people’s lives. I decided to pursue the theme of documentary photography over the course of this trimester. Throughout this honors project, I revisited photos I had taken over the summer and printed images that were taken in the fall. This amounted to over 50 digitals and prints combined. The photos that I have added reflect my improvement in various areas of composition: balance, light, color, and layout. I strengthened my concept of balance when discussing which photos are engaging to the eye. Photos that are most engaging consist of light counteracting dark, symmetry, or an equal visual weight (foreground and background). I usually made 5 prints of each photograph which allowed me to experiment with light or contrast. When trimming a print, Susan taught me that it is important to not crop a person although they are in the background. This improves the perspective of the image. I would like to continue this honors project next trimester in order to work on specific projects. Some ideas I have in mind are a light and shadow project and also a body in motion series. These photos would complete my portfolio.

In the second trimester of my honors project, I continued to explore documentary photography. I began the trimester with printing some photos I had taken in color. I experimented with different exposure times. This changed the mood of the image. Seeing a photo in various tones of black and white also helped me understand the composition of the image. I learned from this process that color can sometimes take away from pattern, symmetry, or depth of field. Towards the end of the trimester, I focused on taking more pictures. Specifically, I studied light and shadow. I used chrome (slide film). I did not know how to develop this type of film so Susan brought it to the Color House to be developed. After, I learned how to scan photos. This is a very useful skill to have when I begin to assemble my portfolio. These one-toned photographs emphasize the light in the image.


Please write a description of the project you are proposing. Why do you want to take this on, and what do you hope to learn?

I am interested in doing a Honors Project with Susan where I can develop a photography portfolio. I am not in any photography classes this year but I have a passion for photography and can see myself pursuing this in the future. The focus of this Honors Project will be studying what makes a strong portfolio and how I can apply this to my own work. This Honors Project will also allow me to have more time in the dark room.

What is your proposed outcome? How will you be able to demonstrate successful completion of this Project?

The final outcome of this project will be creating a portfolio. My photos will hopefully demonstrate enrichment in techniques and understanding of content. I will possibly display these photos around the school.

One thought on “Portfolio in Photography – Rose M.

  1. From Micah: Hi Rose,

    Can you expand on your reflection? How did you improve various areas of composition: balance, light, color, and layout? Can you be specific? Did you only produce these 8 images, or are there more? Would you like to continue this into T2, so you can complete your portfolio?


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