Library Research

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Town Houses

  • Tiled Floor
  • One or two room houses
  • Shops on ground floor of their home
  • Top floors leaned over the street to maximize space
  • At sunset the bells rang to tell everyone to finish work and go home.
  • No streetlights
  • Streets were dark and dangerous at night.
  • Watchmen paroled with a lantern to watch for criminals
  • Visors had to pay a toll to enter


  • Some did sculptures
  • skilled stonemasons were some of the highest paid craftsmen
  • Apprentices would learn for up to 7 yrs
  • The design was written on leather or parchment the copied onto the stone.
  • Chisels had a mark of their owner and were passed down by generations
  • Dividers or Wing Compasses were the stonemasons emblam

Castle Building

  • Between wooden beams masons put a mixture of clay and animal dung to waterproof them.
  • A billhook was used as a cutting tool
  • Master Mason was a supervisor.
  • Freemasons would cut the stone
  • Rough Masons cut simple shapes for the freemasons.